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Let the Joyous News be Spread!
The Trump After Party with Jeremy Bentham  
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
Let the joyous news be spread…the Wicked Witch at last is dead!
(Ella Fitzgerald - Ding Dong the Witch is Dead)
We have a stay of execution, James. At least we won’t be governed by someone who hates us, and that counts for a lot. The Flying Monkey Army will have its supply line cut.
The frosting on the cake is that if Trump does just a quarter of what he promised to do, we’ll be in pretty good shape.
It’s a new day.
The following performance is by President Trump's recently purchased chattel...
-Just Kidding, Jeremy
Robert N.
'A Violation of Their Expectations'
fiction anthology one
by the wine dark sea
'in these goings down'
winter of a fighting life
crag mouth
the first boxers
menthol rampage
into leviathan’s maw
Jeremy Bentham     Nov 9, 2016

It's OK James. It's all right to make jokes again.

Full disclosure here, I did a search on Bing for a recording of "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" and this is the first one that came up. Since I think Ella Fitzgerald has an extremely pleasing voice, I went with it. We are blessed that modern technology will allow us to hear her sing for all time.

We give credit where credit is due here. That's the American way. At the same we also assign blame where we think it is deserved. One cannot solve societal problems unless one is allowed to discus them openly and rationally. If a handful of grievance mongers are going to be allowed to shut down any and all discussion and debate by acting butt hurt over the terms being used, then the problems will never be remedied, will they? Which is why people grew weary of the PC nonsense and voted the way they did.

So let the joke making begin anew!

Did you hear about the Pollack who thought an Irish Jig was Ella Fitzgerald?

(Only racists will complain about that since they'll be the only ones who will get the joke. Right? Right!)
James     Nov 10, 2016

I am glad the blog will be able to stay up another 4 years—5 realistically.
Sam J.     Nov 9, 2016

"...The frosting on the cake is that if Trump does just a quarter of what he promised to do, we’ll be in pretty good shape..."

I wish this was true. I wish so much but it's not. Whites are the demographic minority among the young. If we don't do something drastic we're doomed or our children are. We must get rid of the laws that force Whites to employ or live with or be forced to habituate with coloreds. We must end affirmative action. It one big huge stick to beat Whites with for every non-White race in the US. We must have only qualified and IDed registered voters voting. We'll take enormous amounts of abuse to get this but we're going to get it anyways why not make it work for us?
Sam J.     Nov 10, 2016

I always loved this. One of my favorites and this is my favorite part.
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