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'A Violation of Their Expectations'
The Last Confirmation Bias Test of This Election
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
Fascinating. A lesson in the power of confirmation bias. Yes, human beings tend to see what they want to see, hear what they want to hear and to believe what they want to believe. It is difficult for to people accept a violation of their expectations, so we tend to look for evidence that will confirm what we want to believe. We want to believe good news and reject bad news. In military terms the most effective way to deceive an enemy is to play to their confirmation bias and provide evidence that confirms that which you know or suspect the enemy wants to believe is true. For example during World  War II the Allies knew from their sources inside Germany that Hitler believed that the main Allied Invasion of France would land at Calais rather than at Normandy, so they faked all sorts of military activity at Dover, directly across the English Channel from Calais, to confirm Hitler’s belief. As we know now, this deception kept Hitler from responding effectively to the landings at Normandy for long enough for the Allies to establish a solid beachhead there.
Well, we just found out which perception of Donald Trump is closest to reality: the master persuader or the uninformed buffoon.
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Sam J.     Nov 9, 2016

I really believe they were going to steal the election at the beginning of the night. It appeared to me they were going to do so by waiting til the county votes came in then flip or add enough to steal it from the city votes. Combined with flipping at the poles. I believe that the vote count was so high for Trump they couldn't pull it off. I believe that he won by a much larger percentage than we are told. I think he makes a huge mistake in not investigating this fact. I also believe that not only is it possible but while we can we should push through a cheap, reliable, tamper free system of electronic voting. It can be done easily if you control the number of ballots and who gets them. Every thing else is easy.

I have a friend who lives in Missouri and used to live above St. Louis. He said the last election 140% of the registered voters voted. Come on! We should stop this. He said the same happened in Chicago.
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