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Blast from the Past
Observations and Predictions about the 2016 Election from a Year Ago.
© 2016 James LaFond & Jeremy Bentham
“I always avoid prophesying beforehand, because it is a much better policy to prophesy after the event has already taken place.”
- Winston Churchill
A blast from the past, James. Looking back at our discussions and predictions on the 2016 election from a year ago. Enjoy!
Yes it is an awful epiphany when you realize that the people who are currently running our country are NOT acting in the best interests of the majority of the people who live in it. It is even more disturbing when you realize that the things that are being done to wreck America are mostly being done on purpose. That’s because the people who now run America HATE IT! Hate it with a passion, and especially hate the ordinary white people who make it work. Even Rush Limbaugh is saying as much:  .
It appears America’s noble experiment in democracy has failed and we are now being run by an oligarchy of Leftist white people (The Woman). An oligarchy that has made an alliance with the Wall Street bankers they pretend to oppose in order to provide them with the money they need to seize and hold political power. There is much to be fearful of. Among the many evils besetting our land our federal government is now close to 20 trillion dollars in debt, the most money anybody has owed anybody in the history of Humanity. HOW will that have a good ending? On the other hand there is much to be optimistic about as we are on the verge of creating a new country, or countries as the case may be. Countries as prosperous and stable as any others in history, once we can throw off the yoke The Woman has placed on us that is. After the collapse and separation the major issue immediately confronting the “red” states will be how many refugees should they accept from the “blue” states? If any?
CANADA will be the country that will be building walls along its southern border. Especially the border it shares with blue states.
Jeremy, I don't see any scenario that forestalls American geographic balkanization to follow on the cultural and political divisions that have riven this nation's already addled collective mind.
I have done a crude calculation, that leads me to believe that America is losing itself at four times the rate that Rome did. I compared Octavian to Ike and George W. Bush to Commodus and added up the years between rise and precipitous decline.
I was wondering what you might add to, or propose as an alternative to, this half-baked crackpot theory of mine.
Since you ask James, yes I too believe America will balkanize both geographically and ethnically, given the trajectory it is currently on. I don’t think that will necessarily be a bad thing. Imagine a world without PC: . Imagine a country where we are not being governed by mentally ill grievance mongers: .
I know James, you are really hoping to see the full “Mad Max” break out, taking us all the way back to the stone age. All of us middle-aged dreamers are secretly fanaticizing about the same. However as a practical matter, a stable country run by boring, reliable, conscientious, adult, non-SJW white people will probably be a better option for our golden years. As well as to help ensure the future happiness of our descendants. The novel “The Disunited States of America”, from Harry Turtledove’s Crosstime series, is probably the best sci-fi model out there for what a geographically fragmented America might conceivably look like. Race wars and all.
  Personally I don’t think comparisons between ancient Rome and 21st Century America really work as predictive models. The USA is NOT like the Roman Empire, no matter how imperialistic you may believe it behaves.  It is not even like the Roman Republic. Any similarities are largely coincidental and superficial. For one thing, unlike Rome, America’s transitions of power between rival political factions have been entirely peaceful for the 239 year history of the Republic. Even when America did have a civil war the rebel faction wanted to leave the Republic rather than take it over. On the other hand, if Our President were to suspend the national elections next fall and declare himself president for life, then comparisons to Rome WOULD be valid. It would remain to be seen then which red state governor would be able to gather the majority of the armed forces around him and challenge the American Caesar.
   The reason America is on an accelerated path of decay is because the people in control of the country today, the radical Left (AKA The Woman), are purposely working to destroy it. The political opposition, the Republican Party, is doing nothing to stop them. The “Conservatives” have conserved nothing. Save for the gun rights lobby. They and the pro-life movement are the only militant activist factions within the Conservative movement. They have both been very successful in pushing back the Leftist agenda in their lanes. As for the national Republican Party, it may even have become subverted and therefore neutralized by the radical Left. The Democrat Party is completely dominated by radical Leftists, Marxist socialists, communists, in ideology. As Marxists they HATE Capitalism! They believe Capitalism is responsible for causing every sort of evil, including racism, sexism, homophobia, environmental destruction, poverty, homelessness, greed, crime, colonialism, war, child abuse, substance abuse, etc. etc. Therefore America, as the largest and richest Capitalist country, is totally evil and must be destroyed. It must be dismantled completely. American is rich only because it stole everything it has from other countries. America consumes most of the world’s resources. Therefore the rest of the world will be a better place when America is gone. Even if there is nothing constructive with which to replace it. YOU are on the Germanways airliner with Andreas Lubitz at the stick; he is going to crash you into the mountainside because he is unhappy and YOU SUCK! America Delenda est! America must be destroyed!
Absolutely right James. That IS the plan. The Democrats’ intent is to completely marginalize the Republican Party. To make it as powerless and irrelevant as the Libertarian Party. As you say, it will forever be like the “uke” player in a karate uke-tori drill, always vanquished by the victorious Democrat uchi. The Democrats intend to do this by flooding America with immigrants and refugees from third world countries, particularly Mexico and Latin America. Naturally the Democrats expect these immigrants, both legal and illegal, to become part of the permanent Democrat voting bloc.  They will support big government socialist welfare programs in America, just as they did in their country of origin. California is already the model. California was flooded with illegal Mexican immigrants with the last amnesty, the Simpson-Mazzoli Act of 1986, and has become completely dominated by the Democrats as a result. Twenty-nine years later a Republican can’t get elected dog catcher there. The crazy thing is that both parties have abandoned middle and working class whites and are both pursuing the minority vote, particularly Hispanics. The Republican Party establishment has become delusional and imagines it must abandon the white vote and court the Hispanic vote if it is to remain competitive. But the exact opposite is true. The Republicans will never be able to win over the majority of Hispanics because they will never be able to out pander the Democrats and if they could gain the majority of the white vote they would never lose a Presidential election. The fact is that whites are still the majority and even when they become outnumbered by the other minorities combined later in the century, they will still remain the largest single ethnic voting bloc in the country. So in actuality who ever could became the “white” party would rule. So yes, the 2016 Election is do or die for the Republican Party. If they blow it they will likely be abandoned as useless by their Conservative white base.  The smart money in Vegas thinks that the race will come down to Jeb Bush versus Hillary Clinton because they both control the money. That is to say they both have the support of the major donors in their respective parties and as the other nominees drop out they will gain those donors and voters. If it comes down to Bush versus Clinton I believe Clinton will win because the Democrats will do a better job of getting their base out to vote and Conservative whites will be so disappointed at seeing another wishy-washy “cuckservative” nominated to be their leader that they will stay home in large numbers. Just as they did in the last two Presidential elections. However, Election Day is still over 14 months away and a lot can happen in the meantime. I will certainly be very happy if events prove me wrong about who becomes the next president.
36-14 Republican State Senate majorities
  Right again James. The Democrats definitely seek to make America into a ONE party political system. Just as Baltimore is now. Just like Cuba for that matter. They’ve already got California, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Memphis, Milwaukee and every other major American city sewed up (nearly all of our big cities have been Democrat bastions for the last 50 years). However, the Democrats lost big in state elections for the last two cycles such that the Republicans have majorities in 36 out of the 50 states. The Democrats seek to remedy this situation. To that end they are causing chaos and destabilizing the country. Once one party rule is achieved they can finish tearing down America’s evil capitalist system. There might be a surviving opposition party, but as a practical matter you’ll be given the choice of voting for big government socialism or more big government socialism. Just as you have in Baltimore. I’m sure you wonder why the Republicans even bother offering a mayoral candidate at this point. Don’t they get tired of playing the Washington Generals to the Harlem Globetrotters? As it is the Republican establishment’s perception is that the American people have become so addicted to government handouts that they must also be in favor of handouts to even stand a chance of election. Hence the “Democrat Lite” flavor of coastal Republicans. They try to advance the idea that the Republicans, skilled technocrats that they are, can do a better job of delivering the goods and at a sustainable price. This idea just doesn’t sell, but the Republican establishment refuses to see that.
  The thing to keep in mind is that America’s two major political parties are coalition parties. They are coalitions of interest groups that have formed an alliance to advance a unifying principle (although the unifying principle(s) might change or evolve over time). As it is now one of the coalitions more or less supports free market capitalism and less intrusive government (The Republicans) and the other coalition more or less supports socialism and the big government welfare state (The Democrats). Third parties never lasted long in America because the constituent interest groups always eventually came to see that they could find a place for themselves inside the “big tent” of one of the two coalition parties. Then they could use the larger fund raising and publicity apparatus of the coalition party to get elected and still get most of the policy changes that they wanted. That is why the progressives, socialists and communists all infiltrated and took over the Democrat Party. As it is now, the Communist Party of the USA (CPUSA) no longer finds it necessary to field its own candidate for President and endorses the Democrat Party candidate:
A third party could conceivably win a presidential election since the electoral college system is party neutral, no matter what conspiracy theories one might want to conjure up.  However we may never find out since third parties never last. No third Party has ever become strong enough to really challenge the coalition parties. They might put up a good showing for one election, but then they fall apart afterwards. Most of them have been cults of personality. Their membership always jumps ship and joins either the Democrats or Republicans. The most likely way for a third party to prevail in America would be if one of the coalition parties was to dissolve and a new party was formed out of it.
  Now if the Republican Party loses big in 2016 it could conceivably dissolve due to irreconcilable differences between its Conservative base and its Liberal ruling clique. Much like the Whig Party did in 1854 over the issue of slavery. The Pro-slavery Whigs joined the Democrats and the anti-slavery Whigs founded the Republican Party on an anti-slavery platform. What sort of party might rise out of the ashes of a defunct GOP? A conservative party? A white identity party?  A secessionist party? The Tea Party? All of the above?
A scenario in which the GOP goes belly up in 2016? That’s an easy one James: Jeb Bush wins the Republican nomination. If Jeb wins the nomination the Republican Conservative base will stay home in large numbers on Election Day, Hillary will be elected President and then either the Republican establishment will be totally purged or the base will leave for good and start a brand new party and/or a new country. The new party’s first order of business will be to hunt the “RINO” to extinction. To drive surviving elected Republicans who refuse to join the new party out of office at every opportunity. Until there are none.  People recognize that the 2016 election is do or die! Do or die for the Republican Party, for the Democrat Party and for the United States of America. It will be the Republicans’ election to lose as well. So if the Republican establishment blows it by nominating a cuckservative, there will be hell to pay as the Conservative party base (the majority of Republican voters) will be totally alienated. Each and every time he opens his mouth Jeb confirms that he is naught but a defeatist and a sellout. He has already made it known that he intends to  win the GOP nomination WITHOUT the base, by cornering all the donor support, such that no other nominee will be able raise enough money to finance a campaign. So he has already told us Conservatives what he thinks of us (not much). Only drastic measures will save America from collapse now. So for President we will need a bold reformer who will be determined enough to undo the damage that has already been done and drive down the debt. Including the abolition of entire government agencies and cabinet ministries; i.e. the “permanent government” of bureaucrats that burdens with us impossible rules and eats out our substance. Naturally Jeb is NOT that reformer.
 Both parties are facing populist revolts from their bases. The radicals in the Democrat Party don’t think Hillary is enough of a Marxist, so they are supporting avowed socialist Bernie Sanders for the nomination. The Wall Street bankers, hedge fund managers and media CEO’s who are the Democrat’s biggest and most influential donors (yeah they are all Liberals, believe it!) don’t want Sanders to win. So the Democrats may have to purge the anarchists from the “Party”, just as Stalin did, because they won’t follow orders. Anyway, whichever party loses in 2016 will undergo a major “reorganization” in the aftermath. We live in exciting times!
“No institution can possibly survive if it needs geniuses or supermen to manage it. It must be organized in such a way as to be able to get along under a leadership composed of average human beings.”
-Peter Drucker
“Nothing would be done at all if a man waited until he could do it so well that no one could find fault with it.”
-Cardinal Newman
“There is a Divine Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America.”
– Prince Otto von Bismarck
  P.S. James, actually we Conservatives aren’t really looking for a “messiah” to lead us. Although it would be good if the Republican Party could nominate a presidential candidate who follows the Party platform for a change. LOL! We realize that if we wait for the “right” person to come along and fix everything we will wait forever. Every prospective candidate is going to be a human being and have some very human flaws, some more than others. No, instead what we must do if we are to save this country is create situations in which the “wrong” people are compelled to do the right things. Leftist polices always create perverse incentives where by both the “right” and “wrong” people are compelled to do the wrong things. I know in some people’s minds today because the reality of America doesn’t live up to the ideal of America, America is nothing but a fraud and a failure. I suspect those people don’t realize just how fucked up and stupid the most of the rest of the world is and how good we average Americans have it in comparison. My ancestors didn’t move to America because they necessarily believed it was a wonderful place, they came to America because they were starving to death in the old country. But when they got here they found something worth fighting to keep. Once you lose something, especially something that is part of the culture, it’s usually gone forever, never to return. We live in interesting times!
“There is, however, a limit at which forbearance ceases to be a virtue.” - Edmund Burke (1729-1797) Irish Statesman
“The most fundamental issue in politics is “Whose side are you on?” Jeb, who is not a particularly slippery individual, has given us much evidence that primarily he’s on the side of Mexicans, not Americans. That strikes me as an honorable position, just not one I’d want in my President.”-Steve Sailor, Columnist, 09/04/2015.
  Is Jeb Bush the spoiler? I’m certain he doesn’t see it that way. In his mind he is the “Anointed One”. He has been selected to lead the Party. He has the support of all the Republican Party’s big donors, especially the U.S Chamber of Commerce and all the big business interests who want cheap labor, as well as all the “right thinking” Republicans (the Republican establishment). Jeb and the establishment adhere to the delusion that the Republicans need the Hispanic vote to win. However as Rush has pointed out, when you crunch the numbers, if Romney had received 70% of the Hispanic vote in 2012 he still would have lost. The establishment chooses to discount the 4 million voters who abstained in 2012 (probably all white Republican voters). Besides being a faux Conservative, it’s painfully apparent that Jeb Bush does not like Anglo white Americans as much as he likes Mexicans. I suppose some impertinent redneck may have asked him why a super-rich guy like him married a Mexican woman who looks like a maid from the Motel 6. Why couldn’t his pappy have gotten him a Hollywood starlet or a hot looking model from Eastern Europe for a wife…you know like Donald Trump has? More national politics is inspired by personal grudges than we would like to believe. In any event, all the Bush’s, father, son and younger brother, are paternalistic do-gooders. They want to save the souls of the Leftists and never learn that it only earns them a stab in the back.  Does Trump help or hurt Jeb? Trump definitely hurts Jeb because he exposes Jeb’s “reasonableness” for the spinelessness and lack of concern for the interests of white Americans it truly is. Trump has exposed illegal immigration as an invasion and forced all the other candidates and the media to discuss this crisis. For that we Conservatives will forever be grateful. We like his attitude and admire the fact that he isn’t afraid to tell the SJW grievance mongers to sit down, shut up and wait their turn. Other than that we don’t know what to make of Trump. He was a Liberal for lot longer than he has been a Conservative, so we don’t know how sincere he is and how committed he is. Will he flake out at the last minute like Ross Perot? The conventional wisdom has it that Trump will eventually be-clown himself and lose all voter support, forcing him either to drop out of the race or relegating him to also ran status. But so far that isn’t happening. Trump can’t be intimidated and can’t be bribed. Which of the other Republican front runners will take the lead if Trump drops out? Who will eventually get the GOP nomination? Right now it looks like Trump stands the puncher’s chance of winning the Presidency, because if he wins the Republican nomination, he will be elected President.
James, In line with the meme of being made to feel like a “second class citizen’, it’s more than that. The Rush Limbaugh Radio Show received a very illustrative phone call Friday. A Leftist activist called up to actually gloat over the damage she and her ilk have done to American society.  
“The woman is happier over your misery than she is at her own achievement.” 
No wonder we average Conservative white folks feel like we’re Rebecca of York in “Ivanhoe”. We’ve been falsely accused of witchcraft and have been sentenced to burn at the stake, UNLESS our champion, Ivanhoe, can prevail in the Judgement of God, the judicial combat.
So do we want a champion who will reach across the aisle and work with the other side (to destroy us all) or do we want one who is a rough and tough, axe-swinging son of a gun? We all know the answer to that. And at the moment Donald Trump, for all his faults, looks an awful lot like that champion. Many of the other Republican front runners would probably do as well: Walker, Cruz, Rubio, or even Carson and Fiorino. However, Trump has charisma, showmanship and a willingness to take the fight to the enemy in abundance. That is very attractive.  The Leftist Media now sees Trump as a serious threat to Hillary which is why they are peppering him with “gotcha” questions on foreign policy. They hope to convince the public that he is unfit for office if he doesn’t know the GDP of Nepal or whether the current head of ISIS wears boxers or briefs. But it isn’t working. The public isn’t buying it. They are getting wise to these cute reporter tricks.
Another thing to keep in mind about the current political scene is that while the Republicans in Congress are paralyzed with a defeatist attitude, the Republicans in many red state legislatures are full of fight. Especially in my state where they vanquished the Democrats and saved the state from crushing debt after a long and savage campaign. It’s like the difference between Scandinavians today and Scandinavians a thousand years ago. What would it take to imbue the Republicans in Congress with the same fighting spirit?
Thanks, Jeremy, when we didn't hear from you for a long while I thought maybe you were working for a Republican candidate. Was I right? 
'A Violation of Their Expectations'
‘Suffering from Confirmation Bias’
z-pill forever
taboo you
under the god of things
the fighting edge
when you're food
logic of force
Sam J.     Nov 9, 2016

I think people are missing the obvious. The Democratic party was the party of slavery in 1861 and they're the party of slavery now. The rich control all the money and import things from abroad while they get us peasants to do the holding down of the slaves. They tax us to make sure their slaves stay in place and periodically they import more to keep wages down. What's changed?
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