I was truly hoping—was quite convinced, in fact—that all the king’s whores and all the king’s Dems would be squeezing the Queen Apparent into her Ascension Dress by now. Even though I would have been knocked off the internet within a year or two, I was really looking forward to seeing if Russian aviators would be a match for U.S. aviators over Syria. With all of the smack the Rooskies talked in 1991 about the U.S. beating their equipment and not their men, it would have been a blast. Now it looks like Trump and Putin will be going to strip clubs together instead of having a dyke-bitch versus KGB-goon dirty war.
However, I did find out, at 10:30 on Wednesday morning, 11/9/16, while viewing Fox News, that firearms stocks were down, that folks such as Smith & Wesson were actually banking on a pro-war anti-law-enforcement regime to bolster their sales!
As a science-fiction writer I feel like a punk for missing this. But I’ll get over it as soon as President Trump finger-fucks a CNN News anchor on live TV!
On Bitches