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Anti Trump Protester Calls For Violence
'People Have to Die’ - 11/9/16
© 2016 James LaFond & Jeremy Bentham
Give war a chance! Take heart James, it’s not over with yet. Not by a damn sight.
Jeremy, Odin's eye-hungry ravens are pleased.
Last night, my Roommate, who is a democrat who voted for Queen, heard about the black-on-white violence sparked by the Trump victory and offered me a lift as he headed out to the deli and I headed out for my sundown stroll. I told him I had a Valkyre ride lined up and then said, "Hey, bro, you might want to take that bumper sticker off—what are you doing with a Trump bumper sticker on your truck? Are you nuts, man?"
In a dignified panic, he walked to his rear bumper, thinking maybe that Mescaline Franklin—with whom he sometimes debates politics—had snuck into town and tagged his truck. Then, when he saw that he did not have a Trump sticker on his car, he breathed a sigh of relief, grinned at the joke and drove off. It is quite interesting tlat this supporter of the Queen instantly believed that signing for Trump could spell his doom.
Oh, Jeremy, in the interest of a piece-of—what I meant to say, is, in the interest of our national peace-of-mind, if this fat Latina would go to the gym and lose 35 pounds, I'd hide her from the INS and let her sleep at the foot of my bed, provided she made me hand-rolled tortillas every day, and her little melon-headed brother could work as Oliver's sparring partner...anything for the greater good!
Trump Protester Calls For Violence - ' People Have to Die ’ - 11/9/16
Books by James LaFond
Post-Election Reconciliation in Dindustan
harm city
‘Yee Gods!!’
taboo you
barbarism versus civilization
graphomaniac archive #1
orphan nation
z-pill forever
within leviathan’s craw
DL     Nov 11, 2016

Yeah, and she would cut your dick off as soon as you fell asleep. What she needs is three bruthas to shut her up so she gets a reality check and wakes up. What a big load she is, ignorant of all the ethnicities that paleface includes. We are a collection of ethnicities that once warred against each other, joining to fight for our survival today.
James     Nov 11, 2016

How could she injure her Khan when she is not permitted in bed, but chained to the footboards?

Your Chattel management awareness quotient is rusty, Madam, but your loyalties area as they should be.

Thank you for the warning—a tight collar hers shall be...
Sam J.     Nov 11, 2016

When I made my comment about everyone not seeing the same things the same way as White Westerners this is exactly what I'm talking about. Common ground and understanding is a fantasy. I like fantasies as much as the next guy but I don't want to bet my life on them.

I personally hope the savages will continue to block the roadways, attack people and spout,"we need to kill you" nonsense with great frequency. Maybe Whites will realize that you just can't please these people. Only complete capitulation is acceptable by them and with that capitulation will come horrors upon White peoples person.

Trump is already talking "working together". Well fuck that I want no part of people like this. Whites are the minority in this country among the younger population. We need to start some serious deportation to keep our heads above water.
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