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‘Yee Gods!!’
A Left Coast Report from a Gulf War Veteran, 11/11/16
© 2016 James LaFond
Wow. Our nation’s young ones are lost at best. Had a massive protest march in downtown Freeattle last night. Five were shot at random.
"Stray bullets from an unrelated beef."
Whatever. School kids did walkouts today and another big protest in the city tonight.
Wow. What got lost in a shift of gears to let someone else try the helm?
We're a nation filled with wimps. I do not want to be alive when the war comes here—and it will. These pussies will only want their mamas. They will retreat to the ends of the earth when the first bomb hits close. No nuts and no fight in them whatsoever. We should send every one of them from ages 18-30 to Syria now and give them a taste of the hard life. Maybe it'd be a start. That's a mess to live with. Ours is a nation full of nutless, pseudo-hermaphrodites.
Yee Gods!!
‘His Darling Daughter’s Gift’
the man cave
For the Man Cave
song of the secret gardener
taboo you
honor among men
when you're food
book of nightmares
your trojan whorse
Andrew Metzger     Nov 14, 2016

How does protesting make you nutless?

Nutless hermaphrodites? Is this guy 14 years old?
James     Nov 14, 2016

Actually he fought at the behest of this great, sick nation back when we were kids and was referring to the simpering way in which the whites in these protests behave on camera as the blacks beat and gun people down on the side lines. If the protestors had balls they would attack the people they hate rather than cry victim and then watch their criminal allies attack these people.

I spoke to two guys who saw a protest in Baltimore late last week in which the protestors complained to the cops that the assembled press might "misrepresent" their actions. So the cops provided muscle for the protestors to move the press and then the protestors started throwing bricks as the cops ignored them.

This is pussy protesting season for sure.

I think America should simply descend into one big street fight with the survivors forming a new union. As a man who is constantly threatened and attacked by blacks, who have been taught to hate me for being a working white, by college educated whites, I think it is time the gloves come off.

Take a map of high crime areas in the U.S. and superimpose it over a political map, and you will see that the voting districts where these protestors' candidate won are all high crime and where the president elect won, low crime.

Really, try it.
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