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Planet Play Dough
The Future of the Sissy States of America
© 2016 James LaFond
Universities are providing comfort dogs, play dough, crayons and counseling for Clinton supporters.
Dindus and border jumpers are rioting in the street and beating whites.
These two wings of the Left in America, exemplified by two coworkers this week, a woman who lay on the bus seat and cried and a man who left early saying he was going to war, cannot remain in harmony for long. Or can they?
It stands to reason that the white leftists who cry and go fetal at the first sign of adversity, will simply be victimized by their savage pets. However, the savages know them to be useful masters, clearing law enforcement hassles and supporting violence they themselves will not commit for lack of fortitude.
This week I spoke with four young white men who are millennials and are not college educated, but have only high school diplomas. All four of these young fellows have been attacked and robbed by gangs of blacks. Yet, when I spoke to them, and even though they complained about being targeted by black criminals, they complained more loudly that their black coworkers were accusing them of being racists for not supporting police ambushes. The young black men they speak of, suburbanites who have never been harassed by cops or attacked by whites, believe in their own delusion, that they live under constant threat of death by whites. Likewise, these young white men believe that the biggest sin a white man can commit is to not feel guilty for slavery. Even after I explain to them that whites suffered equally from slavery in this nation, they still cling to the notion that the greatest virtue a white can hold is that all races are equal, including equally peaceful, even though they have been attacked by blacks and not whites and have not attacked blacks themselves, and that whites need to atone for the sins of whites of the past against these people of color.
In the meantime the young black men at work all regard me with abject terror even as I politely hold the door for them and ask them how they are doing and they shrink from mincing words with The Devil.
These behaviors and the accompanying intractability of guilt on one hand and hate and fear on the other among young men, points to primary school conditioning supported by media conditioning. For instance, all of these white boys refuse to watch any news and instead get their racial views from comic books, which have become militantly anti-white. I work in the suburbs, not the city. I am not a political person and when the wind blows again from the militant Left I expect to have to win infamy by violence for the crime of being unapologetically white.
College indoctrination is one thing, something that can be avoided. But primary school and the media—even the media that these denatured man-boys retreat into for escape—is too steeped in white guilt and black fear to have any other outcome other than most whites supporting the race war against whites, up to and including baring their own throats and vaginas for conquest.
From where I am standing, this is game, match and set in the battle for the hearts and minds of the near future. If you are homeschooling your children, they must be taught that most of the people who look like they do will stand by mindlessly and make excuses for those who look otherwise and will attack them.
There will be a zombie apocalypse. The virus is even now coursing through the national bloodstream awaiting activation.
Under the God of Things
Mo Crazy Bitches
harm city
Nero the Pict Looks South
by the wine dark sea
the fighting edge
within leviathan’s craw
plantation america
under the god of things
on combat
Jeremy Bentham     Nov 11, 2016

“If the battle for civilization comes down to the wimps versus the barbarians, the barbarians are going to win.” - Dr. Thomas Sowell, 14 January 2004
Gerard     Nov 11, 2016

Our entire educational system has been seized by a hostile elite that hates normal patriotic Americans. It can be taken back. 60,000,000 Trump voters show that there is still a pulse.
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