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On a Pale Horse
The White Dragon Spreads Fear across Dindustan
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham & James LaFond
A Question from Faye for James
"How come Clinton supporters are burning American flags?"
Because the Queen is a vassal of those unseen sorcerers who wish for a "New World Order" in which we all live in "a global village" as one big, happy, slave family. For an internationalist, there is no greater coup than to have the greatest nation dissolve itself in favor of the formation of a global entity. They were burning American flags during her campaign—the intent was obvious and remains. Now, I do not consider myself an American, but a slave of the United States, so do not care about this nation's fate. However, if you identify yourself as a citizen of the United States [which means you are part owner of me] then you might want to be wary of those who burn your nation's flag.
He's Coming!
Illegals are already starting to leave the country
He’s coming! He’s coming!....
“And I've got such a long way to go, To make it to the border of Mexico, So I'll ride like the wind, Ride like the wind”
– Christopher Cross, “Ride like the Wind”
1.4 million Obama amnesty applicants on deportation hit list
President-Elect Trump Publicly Grabs Pussy at the White House
PHOTO: President-Elect Trump Publicly Grabs Pussy at the White House
Why Trump protesters are wearing safety pins
Why? To hold their diapers up…Waaaah!
Letter to the Editor - The left brought the rise of Trump on themselves
“Leftists see hate where there is none—because hate fills their own hearts. They judge others by themselves.”
-John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.) Brisbane, Australia, Dissecting Leftism BlogSpot.
The Disunited States of America - People in California are calling for a 'Calexit' from the US in the wake of Trump's win
So the Lefties can’t get their way for once and now they want out, eh? Well I figured the USA was on a trajectory for a Yugoslavia style breakup, but it didn’t seem likely the Left would initiate it, since up until this past week things were going all their way. Oh well.
The Lamentations of the Women Continues
ITS Tactical
songs of arуas
shrouds of arуas
the fighting edge
ball of fortune
advent america
dark, distant futures
the greatest boxer
MescFranklin     Nov 13, 2016

Love that Christopher Cross Song...
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