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The Desolation of Trump
Dindustan Cringes Beneath the Wings of the White Dragon
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham & Mescaline Franklin
More Post-Election Reconciliation in Dindustan
Anti-Trump hate crime wave continues to sweep the country
“Die Whites Die!” “Black people are ungovernable.”
Video: High School Girl Viciously Attacked For Supporting Donald Trump
Anti-Trump hate crime wave continues to sweep the country
Paul Joseph Watson - November 11, 2016 4
Note that this YouTube video, along with others of whites being attacked by blacks, are being deleted, in order to foster the delusion that blacks are living under a death threat and to further increase attacks against whites. This is Anarcho-Tyranny and I do not see Trump addressing this. By the way, this article has been read by an outside source before my posting it. When Charles and I read on the back end it does not generate a read number. But, someone has read this before posting and generated the single read it will be posted with. This has happened before when I have archived rather than deleted an item to the back end.
(Link to video).
Dindustan Confidential
Turkey issues warning over travel to U.S. after Trump protests
After all, it’s a crime ridden and politically unstable country…James, James, I smell a business opportunity here! Visitors to Harm City will be in need of protection, imposing escorts to accompany them and keep them from harm as they see the sights of the Inner Harbor. You can organize your stalwarts to provide a bodyguard for foreign tourists, for top dollar. Much like Milo the pugilist organized gladiators to provide security for Julius Caesar when he ran for office. Like with Milo’s gladiators the fighting prowess of your students is demonstrable. In this case, by the hours of video taped combat you have on file. Not only that, but  your Baltimore Travel Guide is the best all-source police intelligence asset available in the region. Beats the BPD plumb to shit. What foreign tycoon or potentate wouldn’t want to hire such a capability?
“He therefore, who desires peace, should prepare for war...No one dares to offend or insult a power of known superiority in action.” – Flavius Vegetius Renatus, “De Re Militari” (On the Military), 378 A.D. 
Turkey issues warning over travel to U.S. after Trump protests
ReutersNovember 12, 2016
Suicide is Painless
Suicide Hotlines Get Record Number Of Calls After Trump Win: “Phones Have Been Ringing Off The Hook”
“People who try to commit suicide—don't attempt to save them! . . . China is such a populous nation, it is not as if we cannot do without a few people.” - Mao Ze Dong
“The game of life is hard to play, I'm gonna lose it anyway, The losing card I'll someday lay, so this is all I have to say… that suicide is painless, It brings on many changes, and I can take or leave it if I please.”
- Johnny Mandel, “Suicide is Painless”
Indeed, rather than try to talk these Lefties out of offing themselves somebody ought to be holding clinics to show them the best ways to do it. These people are so completely divorced from reality that their continued existence is naught but a burden on the rest of us. These are people who cannot tolerate any adverse condition or any disappointment whatsoever. They believe they are owed a happy ending. To them things don’t just happen, someone has to be to blame. Here they were on the cusp of victory and then they had their good feels snatched away from them and dashed to the ground. Waaaah! But before you start feeling sorry for these pathetic, weepy Lefties keep in mind that they are inveterate “projectors”, that is they see their faults and motivations in other people. Thus the Leftists are quick to believe that Donald Trump and his supporters are "out to get them”, absent any concrete evidence that this could be true, precisely because they themselves are out to get everyone who dares to disagree with them.
  However, if you have a Leftie friend or family member who is deeply depressed and feeling suicidal over Trump’s victory, and against all reason you want to try to prevent them from shuffling off this mortal coil, then show them the video clip below.
Suicide Hotlines Get Record Number Of Calls After Trump Win: “Phones Have Been Ringing Off The Hook”
Mescaline Sneers
Hilarious! The New York you never got to see..what a loss…
The poor little mystery meatball looks scared, not his fault, you can't choose your parents. His mom is drawn mysteriously to mister I don't give a fuck..
Mescaline Franklin's Video Pick: 11/13/16
The best Schadenfreude video in the world
Nero the Pict Looks South
harm city
'Minority Card Taken Away'
honor among men
orphan nation
fiction anthology one
time & cosmos
beasts of arуas
broken dance
thriving in bad places
B     Nov 13, 2016

For real, that might be your golden business opportunity-a minimally armed security agency working where others won't...
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