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Breeder's Digest #5
Welcome to The Homeland Jose and Jacques
© 2013 James LaFond
“It’s only seven am and I’ve already seen a drug deal…at the McDonald’s drive-through.”
-home improvement contractor, 8/1/13
On 7/31/13 Senator Dianne Feinstein, speaking at a Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, said that thirteen terrorist ‘events’ [a category that is less than a plot]have been disrupted [presumably meaning kidnapping and torturing some Pakistani bakery owner] “in The Homeland”. As she spoke, behind the Senate ‘Intelligence’ Bimbo, a nominally human drone held up a map, indicating that North America is one nation.
‘Anti-terror squads’ [body-armored goons] conduct about one hundred home searches per week in New York State, largely based on tips provided by employers, neighbors, and internet sources [such as backpack inquires].
The number of U.S. government employees and mercenaries who have access to classified information [including your phone and email metadata]: 4.8 million
Tons of radioactive water leaked into the Pacific by the Fukushima reactor daily: 300
Radioactive water yet to be released into the Pacific: 20,000 tons
Non-border states in which Mexican drug cartels conduct major operations [with machine guns supplied by the CIA, I might add]: 9 interior U.S. states
-Source, Associated Press
The number of criminal gangs with operatives currently operating within the U.S. Armed Services [largely to acquire military training and equipment]: 53
-Source, FBI National Gang Intelligence Center
The amount of time that, according to genius social engineer Jacque Fresco, it requires for the modern media to achieve total mind control of a large enough portion of the population of Planet Earth to result in tacit universal compliance: 3 months
-source, a Venus Project interview
A Road With No Signposts
From The Pit
into leviathan’s maw
america the brutal
time & cosmos
your trojan whorse
the sunset saga complete
on combat
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