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Good Morning, Dindustan!
How Lili Hun Wants to Help the Cause
© 2016 Lili Hun
I have a solution to the immigrant overload, legal or illegal, doesn’t matter from which country either. Since sending them home will only leave job openings which the Dindus are not going to do anyway, which is an argument for allowing immigrants in, that they’re not actually taking jobs away from our own unemployed, I recommend the following:
For every immigrant we have on record or simply discover working in the back of kitchen, we find a tax-sucking, unwilling-to-work Dindu, and we send the Dindu to the immigrant’s city and country of origin. Just like that. Dindus will end up in Mexico City, Baghdad, Islamabad or Abuja, etc. I think that would be restitution to us for all of their generations which have lived off of our taxes and become unimaginably violent. They have no rights to any restitution. Rather, I need restitution, because they are changing this country into a hell, from any promise it once may have held for the rest of us. Because I have to stay inside to keep safe. Because I’m surrounded by Dindu social parasites who are out of control and encouraged to become more so…
To get them to their new home most efficiently, I think they could be dropped out of a plane with parachutes which are controlled remotely by whoever wants that job. What happens when they land with wet pants, mouthing off loudly, is truly no concern of mine.
Nero the Pict Looks South
guest authors
Jokes Between Immigrants
the greatest boxer
crag mouth
book of nightmares
menthol rampage
let the world fend for itself
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song of the secret gardener
Sam J.     Nov 13, 2016

I disagree. We should tell all Dindus we will pay them reparations if they move back to Africa and we will build apartments for them in Liberia and we would really do it. The catch, there's an immediate $50,000 payment towards reparations of $250,00 paid over five years. How many of them could control themselves enough to NOT take the $50,000 sign on payment? The ones that couldn't resist are the ones we want to get rid of anyways. Low ability to think about the future. When we get the apartments built we round them up and off they go. I bet you could get a huge number of Groids from the inner city to sign these if you forked over $50,000. They would of course think they would welsh on the deal but we wouldn't let them. Sign and your fate is sealed. Africa.
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