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‘We as a Community’
The Clueless Experience Ghettoization
© 2016 James LaFond
Below is a missive from a Baltimore County neighborhood being overrun by crime. The police are attempting to stem this tide but are being attacked by the press who are calling for federal investigation as to the treatment of black criminals by the police. Even as the federal government and adjacent city are flooding this area with criminals to make way for gentrification at the City center, those criminals terrorizing the community suddenly have allies in the press. Since conspiracies do not exist and the poor never mindlessly serve the elite, I suppose we must chalk this up to a sad coincidence, a coincident which coincidentally, has been repeated in over 25 Baltimore neighborhoods and a dozen Baltimore County neighborhoods.
As in the city, neighborhoods where a large portion of the homes were paid off and then rented or willed to the children of the owner, are, for some mysterious reason, targeted for resettlement of the criminal class, who render their own dwelling space uninhabitable—even by them—in 15 year cycles. The neighborhood that this man lives in is five-years into its desolation cycle, a cycle which starts when Dindus exceed 5% of the population and foreclosures and vacated rentals are targeted for ghetto resettlement, rather than resale.
Monitoring social media in areas where ghettoization is beginning is instructive. When good people like this begin thinking about community meetings the bad people are already planning home invasions and street beatings. As the good people begin to talk the bad people ramp up action and always prevail. This is the stage when men beating the shit out of thugs on the street is viable and effective as a deterent but the time is spent in what amounts to a PTA meeting. If you wait—like Eddie Van Kirk did—to start fighting the criminals after the cops have pulled out, then you just get gunned down and nobody sees a thing. Of course, the American ruling elite have been against militias since the inception of this slave nation and still make every law possible to insure that a community does not have its own teeth and must depend on the overstretched police.
Vehicle break-in - third time in 5 weeks.
My 2001 Chrysler Minivan was "attacked" again. The first time was Oct. 15th. or 16th. (I don't drive it every day, so the break-in was not immediately noticed). Yes, the alarm was on.
That time (we have yet to figure how entry was made) they trashed the ignition switch area, but did not appear to have taken anything. My canvas tool bag normally kept all the way in the rear, was found emptied up front on the floor of the passenger side and the tools were scattered about. All hand tools were accounted for. Since it was non-operational, I had to have the Minivan towed to the repair facility and it took over 3 1/2 weeks to get it back.
On Friday, Oct.21, they broke the right rear ventilation window and busted up the open/close apparatus. No apparent entry. The Police rang our door bell at 3 am. and stated that while on patrol, they noticed that my minivan's side door was "ajar". When closing it, the alarm went off (activated). Yes, the alarm was originally on.
On Monday Oct. 24 (today) It was noticed they they struck again on the street side rear ventilation window, and again busted up the open/close apparatus.
Both rear windows were wired shut for now with 16 gauge wire.
This break in stuff is really getting "OLD". I've been here for over 43 years (yes, that's 43), and this stuff lately is the worst that I can recall. Someone may wind up getting shot! (at).
I have reported this information to the police.
Why do people criticize when someone makes a comment about how are neighborhood has declined in the past 5 years. I have been here for the past 15 years and yes this neighborhood along with other neighbors have increased with crime. I don't know how long you all have lived here but evidently not long enough or you just don't want to see what is going on around you.
Yes the neighborhood has gone downhill. My dad has been in this house since 1952. I rent from him. Since the last 5 years that I have lived here it's gotten worse. However, we as a community can step it up and report things. If you see something say something. I have seen cops patrolling regularly. We as a community can make it a better place to live if we do the little things (citizens on patrol, participating in community meetings with our local law enforcement etc ). It is definitely not the pits. I have lived in neighborhoods ten times worse than this.
Reality check here people not all places are like this neighborhood where you need to be escorted in your home or watched because people are lurking around outside when you come home after dark from work. Weather it be on our streets or at the park. We are all entitled to our opinions . I just got home from a town where you can walk around nite or day with no worries or being robbed. That's how the old Ridgeleigh was up till about 5 years ago not the community we have now. When you can't feel safe in your own home it's time to move. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that's what is happening. Look around at the amount of homes for sale here in Ridgeleigh. If it was so great when is everyone moving?
I agree that crime has always been an issue in Ridgeleigh ever since we moved here about 9 years ago. In fact one of my first memories in this neighborhood was a meeting about crime at Arnolia United Methodist Church, which led to the formation of our Citizens on Patrol group. The question is, what can we do about it? Are there any specific nuisance properties that are attracting crime? Do we have enough participation in the Citizens on Patrol Program? Lobby the County to increase police patrols? All of the above? Something else?
I say we do what we did after the Arnolia meeting and press for more police both undercover and regular cars. And press the senators and others in office for help. It worked before why not again?
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