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Indian Summer in a City of Thieves
Pedestrian Impressions of East Flushing, Queens: 9:30 P.M., Saturday to 6:00 P.M., Sunday, 10/29-30/16
© 2016 James LaFond
After the harrowing drive through Brooklyn and the inter-borough expressway, I expected the Northeast portion of Queens to be much uglier than it was. As it turned out it was not ugly at all, but quaint, little houses and mini-mansions interspersed with rows of townhomes with small well-kept gardens. The odd thing was that virtually the entire borough had bars on the windows and doors. Mescaline explained to me that all of New York abounds with voracious thieves and that of the six places he has lived only one was not broken into—thanks to some countermeasure he took, and that apartment had been the scene of an attempted break-in. The apartment above a Chinese massage parlor is currently his primary address, although he also lives in Camden, New Jersey, Florida and spends a couple days a month with me in Baltimore. You can tell that this is the town he really knows like the back of his hand. He hides valuables before leaving the apartment, turns up the TV, parks at a distance so people don’t match his car up with his residence and we go for a Sunday stroll, eight hours of walking along a rectangular portion of this residential garden, where business seems to be strictly zoned.
Mescaline tells me that we are only walking a small corner of Queens, that the Borough is as big as all of Baltimore, and that there are some bad areas, like Jamaica Queens. Criminals seem to have been priced out of this area. The population is roughly 50% Chinese, 45% Caucasian and 5% Latino. I spend from Saturday Night until Monday afternoon in Queens in the neighborhood known as Flushing and along Utopia Boulevard, see no sign of violence or gangs at all, see only signs of burglary, with windows rather than doors barred, and see only three African Americans. This is incredible to me, that a major urban area is Dindu-free. The three blacks I saw, were an old man walking his dog in a church suit, a fitness cyclist and another fellow who shall be the subject of another article.
Obviously working class whites, the white hipsters shun us and do not say hello on the street. The Chinese men however, speak to us as they go about their yard work, greeting us like human beings, where the metropolitan whites shrink away from my old clothes and his tattoos.
One end of the rectangle is bookended by the Flushing Cemetery, a monumental ground devoted to the old, moneyed dead, across the street from the Olde Towne of Flushing Burial Ground, where their poor white servants were tossed into ditches with no grave marker, and where some prized black servants were buried, some with grave markers, erasing the old white stain from this place and covering it with the black flower of martyrdom. Then as now, white men who work with their hands were shunned by the elites who adore their dehumanized ethnopets.
Next to this burial ground 14 EMT’s begin their shift, two to an ambulance, this being the dispatch hub for the nearby hospital. I speak with one of the men about their work load and he tells me it includes many Chinese pedestrians run over by Chinese motorists, one short the other driving recklessly, making for a lethal combination. The remainder of the case load tends to be victims of black violence, many of them black, from the bad areas I have not been to and some of them white and Chinese pedestrians that get picked off by raiding parties from three notable, concentrated ghettos.
It is simply astonishing how peaceful and lightly policed this area is. The reason for this is clear—no blacks. I saw as many blacks and cops in Wyoming as I did in Queens., hardly any—one requires the other it seems. What is astonishing is that this is permitted, that our masters have allowed this expanse which took me 2.5 hours to walk across to exist without pushing criminal sprawl. This can only happen in Baltimore where every house is a mansion. In fact, this corner of Queens was essentially the size of every nice neighborhood in Baltimore linked together, with much less crime, because those neighborhoods are small enclaves bordering sketchy ghettos. But then I was told how much these small houses in this “Chinese ghetto,” as one resident described it, cost, and they cost more than the mansions of Baltimore and are packed together six to a lot, making this real estate of great tax value.
This, New York, is the Amoral Heart of America. America was never about anything other than the freedom to make money and exploit the poor, so it fits, my trip to this little garden of tranquility in the shadow of that great evil city confirming a bias in my heart that grows with every passing day.
A Once Great Medieval City: 2016: Impressions of Baltimore Maryland
‘We as a Community’
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Sam J.     Nov 14, 2016

I babble on about this constantly because it's one of those things that are like super amplifiers. Some events or innovations cause consequences WAY out of proportion to what you think it should be. Section 8 is the killer. If we built lots of 30 story buildings and packed the Dindus in them in areas that could be controlled we could have huge areas for Whites to expand in to. Think of how much crime one Dindu family can cause if they have four kids and all of them are doing a couple crimes a week. It's an extraordinary amount over time and it really spooks the people who's houses they break in to. This would also lower crime against Blacks as there could be some sort of security around all the time short-cutting some of the worst of their barbarism.

Probably Dindus are not planning to kill or pound people when they break in but once they're in your house and find you there then they have to do something. I doubt they think that far ahead many times.

Have any of you ever read "Monster: The Autobiography of an L.A. Gang Member"? It's really a great book. This guy created an atrocious amount of crime and there's lots like him. A little spoiler. What did Monster learn after he had been thrown in jail for continuous, massive violence and theft against everyone around him? "Amerika is oppressive towards him". Sigh...
James     Nov 14, 2016

I reviewed this book on this site years ago and came away with the impression that the slut author just wanted to get banged by the monster.
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