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The Mescaline Feed
Drinking Liberal Tears
© 2016 James LaFond
I await when the hipsters are turned on, we don't want em'.
Looks like the Time square of LA...
You got:
Mystery Meat aggressor being chased by Trump impersonator who wants to scrap ( A Jack London Californian) while 'Gays for Trump' watch on, he then gets sucker-maced by a fake redhead woman who looks like she lives in Baltimore county..he does the Ali-shuffle while cucked and bearded whiteboys with a confused Pitbull help his cretin ass with water, then the Vatos Loco Esse dude comes in with the water request to people walking by and laughing as the real mexican dude looks for photos with his Python…
Fellini or Visconti could not make a more surreal and decadent piece of film than this
cell phone camera recording.
Vox Day has a link to a hilarious, clueless BBC postTrump analysis.
The Color Purple bitch needs to be a feminist back in Nigeria, where there are still men who don't take shit.
The Knights of Columbus? are they an extremist group? Stupid limey bitch!! Good for this Tyrell guy with his Ron Paul accent.
Jokes Between Immigrants
guest authors
For the Man Cave
by the wine dark sea
the sunset saga complete
ball of fortune
winter of a fighting life
your trojan whorse
crag mouth
son of a lesser god
Sam J.     Nov 15, 2016

I wouldn't give the guy water. He should stop molesting people.

James have you ever carried mace? That shit looks effective. You said the Dindus had very low pain tolerance.
Sam J.     Nov 15, 2016

Help me start a new meme.

The Dindus say racism. I say Ni!

The DIndus say White privilege. I say Ni!

The Dindus say White supremacy. I say Ni!

When ever someone calls a White racist all the Whites around them should start saying Ni! Over and over. It will annoy them quite possibly beyond their central nervous system to handle.
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