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The Bitch Factor in Retro-Tribalism
© 2016 James LaFond
“I know that you don’t consider most people to be human, so I understand you not holding them accountable and saying, ‘They’re just animals,’ and going about your day. But I can’t do that. These evil motherfuckers need to be called out.”
-White Nationalist, email
Blame assignment is the female role in primal society—take it upon yourself at your masculine peril.
Have you noticed what faɡɡots lawyers and politicians look like?
Do you want to be that faɡɡot?
Okay, WN, based on your ethnic orientation I’d say you are an advocate of in-group/out-group tribalism. I am not such a person. I will not side with a bad man of my race against a good man of another race just because we were born with closer DNA. I do think that the majority of people should be tribal, should put their group first and that only a few should act as go-betweens as taboo men. This is the way societies have been throughout history and prehistory for the simple fact that most people have a deep need for in-group out-group thinking, and as soon as you experiment with scrubbing that, then you immediately have an in-group/out-group dichotomy, with the in-group defined by right-thinking people, making this post tribal ideological in-group the most savage of all. The 100-plus million people killed by communism in the 20th Century is a good example.
Racist tribalists are actually more tolerant than mono-culturalists, as they recognize that there are other kinds of people, other kinds of social mind-sets and wish no part of these. But the monoculturalist is ultimately the most genocidal thinker, determined that all people shall become of one tribe, one mind.
So, as a White Nationalist, however you define your in-group is the only field where judgment is appropriate. Judging the people of enemy groups is a waste of time. They are the enemy and by definition evil. Why judge them?
This deep need to judge embers of enemy groups is a residual effect of your monoculturalist indoctrination that all people are equal, all the same, all your brother.
Why would you buy back into that?
Furthermore, as a man, judgment should be below you. Judging is what women do in their gossiping way. This is the foundation for male competition as each wants to be judges best by the women. This can be seen in the wife selection of businessmen, how much more beautiful and intelligent these wives tend to be. It is generally not seen among the wives of politicians for their political world is essentially a feminist construct. It seems our first businessman/president will be bringing the first grade-A vagina into the White House. Squabbling over who should lead is ultimately a mater of men imitating women. Therefore, when women finally got the vote it was preordained that they would come to dominate the process and that their votes would be those votes most sought after.
As a tribal man your duty is to measure the enemy and your allies as well, in a tactical sense. Where are they weak and where strong?
Why waste energy discussing their character other than to predict behavior or probe for weakness?
To judge other men outside your circle is a waste of time and impinges upon your serenity. If you permit their evil character to breach your peace-of-mind, you will, by toiling in your mind over their virtue and vice, have laid you heart open for their vile mind to afflict.
Taboo You: Deluxe Man Cave Edition
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Sam J.     Nov 17, 2016

"...They are the enemy and by definition evil. Why judge them?..."

I disagree because most people are not like you. Most people need to see "judgement" to act. Judgement to see evil. What applies to you is most likely to be irrelevant to most others.

That being said I get your point it's just not a good game plan for rousing Whites to protect their interest.

There was a group of Pacific Islanders that were so violent that they finally got together and made killing each other taboo. They had killed so many of each other no one really won anything. They decided they would strike each other with sticks a few times and quit. It worked great until another Island tribe invaded. They were completely wiped out.

This is what Whites have done. We have tabooed our taste for violence. I think largely due to WWI and WWII. The problem is we now have other tribes in our midst and we must learn to keep our taboos among ourselves but have none when it comes to the enemy. This is where judgement comes in. Women always say,"don't judge", and they're always whining when Men do so. First we must judge that "they" are not "us".

This is one of the major weapons of the Jews and it's worked for thousands of years. Can't argue with success.

I love all the attacks against Whites. All the cries of racism and White superiority. They just scream out over and over who's in charge of this psy-op.
James     Nov 18, 2016

That Caucasians worldwide have come to abhor violence up to and beyond the point of individual, cultural and moral suicide and genocide is perhaps the greatest question of our age, Sam J.
Mesc Franklin     Nov 19, 2016

Jim's guideline is a decent metaphysics for slowly bringing abut the 'transvaluation of values' in the personal street level, where it starts.

We are all following old rules, albeit badly and with no context, for a game that has been changed three times from the original already and we are not allowed to look at the rule book…I think the architects have lost the book themselves and are making it up as they go..and this is where they are making their fatal mistake.
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