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The Liberal Plan to Kill Africans
The Great Global Warming Swindle
© 2016 James LaFond
Having watched this documentary twice now, I have to recommend it as my favorite science documentary, as it so nicely covers the intersection of science and politics and the emergence of the newest world religion, Climate Change. If you believe all of the global warming claims that repeat verbatim on every news telecast and every article on the subject, then do not watch this. I would want to be blamed on you choking on your dinner. However, if you believe some—indeed any—of the global warming claims, you must watch this very well put-together documentary. Numerous top climate scientists are interviewed. You might be shocked, that even though they are all opposed to Global Warming orthodoxy, that their names still show up on the promotional material, except for the one who threatened to sue.
I always thought that the global warming scare was overblown simply because I had read so much on Ice Ages and knew that we were in an interglacial period. Global warming is simply the largest hoax in human history. The science in this episode is easy to follow, particularly the cold, clear evidence that increases in atmospheric CO2, always follow and do not precede temperature increases. The cofounder of Green Peace is a particularly good interview. The final thrust of the article is ultimately humanitarian, which is why it is so opposed to environmentalism, which is the religion of human eradication.
‘A New World Order’
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Sam J.     Nov 19, 2016

I promise you that there's a Jew behind this somewhere. He looked at the fossil fuel energy market and the next thing you know he's cooked up this global warming scare and all you have to do is send him money. The energy market is the largest on the planet. If you could get just a tiny percentage of each sale you would be swimming in money. I looked and can't find a page that had the numbers for energy every year but it's in the trillions. Huge numbers. Just who are we paying carbon credits to?

This guy has global warming covered.
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