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PNSD in Harm City
Baltimore Teacher Who Used N-Word in Classroom Outburst Loses Job
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
Another sad case of someone losing their job because they were suffering from Post Negro Stress Disorder (PNSD). It is a stress disorder that tends to afflict whites who live and work in areas with a large African-American population. Many otherwise docile and mild-mannered whites become overcome with stress from interacting with so many irrational, child-like black people that they will erupt with an angry outburst. This is something that Johns Hopkins ought to study, eh? After all, much PNSD is occurring right in their own backyard.
Not only that, but “black rage syndrome” was once used as a court defense.
,9171,980835,00.html (Black Rage: In Defense of a Mass Murderer- 1994)
So doesn’t PNSD merit similar consideration? This unfortunate teacher deserves to be in treatment, not deprived of what is likely to be her and her family’s only source of income, as well as health care benefits. She is not even receiving support from the teacher’s union! Go figure it?
All over America white people are suffering from various forms of "minority fatigue”, caused by relentless harassment from members of other ethnic groups. Clearly many in these groups regard whites, regardless of their station in life, as being powerful, “magic” creatures. Beings who are simultaneously the cause of and solution to all minority problems. These individuals have been made to believe that minorities have no agency other than what white people allow them to have. In that regard, such non-whites are the true "white supremacists”.
But white people are human beings! If you kick them in the head do they not bleed?
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Ruben     Nov 18, 2016

the esteemed, imho, ronald thomas west told me i simply must check you out. at first, i didn't quite get it. i'm starting to. i didn't know what a dindu was. it is all falling into place. my father was in the military. i was raised a poor white (even though i am half comanche) surrounded by blacks and latinos. the first cross burning i ever saw was on our lawn for me being a 'nigger lover'. i love the blog now. thanks for having the balls to do this!
James     Nov 19, 2016

Ruben, welcome to our virtual island of outcast souls.

If all we have accomplished is establish a forum where people can disagree without being branded, I will be thrilled.

I am slowly publishing some of Ron's work on the site, which he has sent me for that purpose. if you have not. another installment of Napi Mephisto will be up on Monday.

I would have to say that my guiding spirit is a desire to fend off human monocropping, which is the erasure of culture, of which PC speech constraints are a key tool. I have friends who are black nationalists and white nationalists and I am neither, but believe we all face the same process of erasure and might as well discuss this vast God of Things while it eats us.

Thanks for messaging, Ruben.
Gerard     Nov 18, 2016

I hope that these budding doctors and scientists are able to overcome the hateful words of their racist teacher. When they do, Hollywood can make a movie about it .
Flint     Nov 19, 2016

Can someone start a GO FUND ME PAGE for this poor teacher with this terrible affliction ? She's been broke now and will never recover . PNSD is similar to PTSD , it can be treated but never cured. God Bless Her !
Ruben Chandler     Nov 19, 2016

I can't stop about human monocropping. what an apt description! the human extinction factor, by way of cultural erasing and actual extinction is the one topic nearly all are avoiding and obviously the one we should all be most focused on. Thank you for taking time to reply. I appreciate it. The witticisms in the reply alone are delightful, if one can consider our erasure a delight. Sometimes I do. I can certainly see the justice in it. You've a solid new reader in me. The PC notion in all that is occurring around us is quite hilarious. I was a democrat, a liberal, a progressive...or so I thought. The script has flipped so much that I can't claim any of those nomenclatures anymore. I'm not embarrassed that I once was. I am embarrassed for some of my friends right now. It's nice to welcomed to your virtual island of outcast souls. Thank you again.
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