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Bring Back the Guillotine
"Some risk of pain is inherent in any method of execution" - Oklahoma Botched Execution Not Cruel Or Inhumane, Court Ruled
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
They can hardly call this execution “botched”, since it DID kill the condemned murderer. Of course, the method of execution, whatever it is, must appear to be painless and must leave a peaceful looking corpse, otherwise it will not pass muster with the Liberal social and political elites who typically are the official witnesses at contemporary executions. By contrast I had occasion to watch video footage of the execution of Timothy McVeigh broadcast on the TV news in a working class bar. The bar patrons were uniformly disappointed and seemed to think it unjust that McVeigh appeared to experience no pain (“HE didn’t suffer very much.”). McVeigh just appeared to drift off to sleep as the lethal drugs ended his life.
But who are we kidding? Liberals don’t approve of capital punishment in any form (except for executing class enemies) so they will employ any dodge or make any specious argument they can concoct to prevent the execution of criminals. So long as there are Leftist judges sympathetic to their cause sitting on the various appeals courts, they will succeed. This time they did not.
FYI: in executions by lethal injection three drugs are typically used, administered intravenously . The first anesthetizes the condemned (Sodium thiopental or pentobarbital) , then once he is unconscious and insensible to pain the other drugs are administered to paralyze the breathing (Pancuronium bromide) and to stop the heart (Potassium Chloride).
Just about any form of execution can be mishandled in such a way that it fails to kill the condemned person quickly and cleanly. Except for the guillotine, it’s appears to be just about impossible to “botch”. With a regulation guillotine a 70 pound blade assembly is dropped on the condemned person’s neck from a height of seven and a half feet. So even if the blade was dull as a spoon it would still tear the prisoner’s head clean off. But that doesn’t leave a peaceful looking corpse, does it? Hey some trivia here, the guillotine was used to execute more people during the reign of the Third Reich than during the French Revolution. The various German states had adopted the guillotine as their method of capital punishment many years previously, not too long after the French did.
Speaking of The Third Reich and capital punishment, see the movie “Pierrepoint: The Last Hangman” (UK 2005) - The life and times of Albert Pierrepoint - Britain's most prolific hangman. He executed 608 people from 1933 to 1955. He was selected to execute many Nazi war criminals. A real artist. Great movie.
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