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Life in Dindustan: 11/22/16
The American Welfare State is Destroying the Hispanic Family
© 2016 James LaFond
Life in Dindustan
The American welfare state is destroying the Hispanic Family
Looks like American born Hispanic youth are on an identical trajectory to dindu youth. Well, a number of criminologists DID predict in the mid 1990’s that about now we would be face a crime wave perpetrated by psychopathic, juvenile “super-predators”. Of course that is what we have today in black majority cities like Harm city, Memphis, Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit, et al. Clearly we can expect to see a similar development in areas with high Hispanic concentrations.
Like Dalrock says, our current system of marriage only works for the wealthy.
Jeremy, I thought the entire idea behind civilization was the destruction of family in favor of the edification of the State. I don’t see a problem here unless I’m a barbarian.
‘He Had Come To Us, Overland’
the man cave
‘This Cowboy Doesn’t Make it to the E.R.’
within leviathan’s craw
logic of force
shrouds of aryаs
songs of aryаs
song of the secret gardener
into leviathan’s maw
Jeremy Bentham     Nov 22, 2016

"They refer to me as an uneducated barbarian. Yes, we are barbarians…it is an honored title to us. We shall rejuvenate the world." - Adolph Hitler

James, since you ask, whether the destruction of the family is a "problem" or not depends on your point view, doesn't it? Your valuation of what is "good" and what is "ungood" (also referred to as "bad" in some circles). Obviously in our world there are different and completing beliefs on what the relationship of the individual to the state ought to be. There are also different and competing beliefs on what constitutes proper child rearing, and/or what constitutes a healthy relationship between a child's father and mother, or not. Not to mention what the state’s interest in family life is and/or ought to be. As far as this world goes your ability to see your beliefs acted upon depends principally on your ability to impose your will on others, and/or prevent others from imposing their will on you. Up until just 15 days ago the globalist Left was able to freely impose its will on the rest of us in many areas of our lives. Now they have suffered a setback of sorts, which has them all simultaneously terrified and infuriated. However, I am sure the Lefties will regroup and come at us again. One has to give them credit for persistence. They never, ever give up trying to impose their will on the rest of us. Which is why the man said, "The price of Liberty is eternal vigilance".

“Men's indignation, it seems, is more excited by legal wrong than by violent wrong; the first looks like being cheated by an equal, the second like being compelled by a superior.” -Thucydides, "History of the Peloponnesian War", 404 B.C.
James     Nov 27, 2016

Jeremy, I would have to say, that in the American context, the destruction of the family favors globalist-leftist agendas and the preservation of it favors the right and nationalist agendas.

Thanks for these great quotes, Thucydides never loses relevance.
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