It was not my fighting career, which took place mostly between age 32-50, that put me in this situation, where every breath is tough. It was my occupation—a grunt engagement with the bottom of the economy, which I adapted to because I have always been at odds with this society—that has done this to my body.
I was born with scoliosis of the spine, and through my rejection of our nation's mind control system I landed at the bottom of the economy and ended up spending 35 years lifting stuff for an average of 60 hours per week. I have lifted enough groceries to fill two container ships. The human body is designed for 35 years of hunting and gathering.
At least, after my ill-advised "career" of humping freight, I still have my mind. I don't have a house or a car, but the sons I put through school and fed have their own families and I've seen the world from an angle that obviates my need to believe. There are also the hundreds of people that I have met working that business, who have taught me in many, unlikely ways. So I do not even regret my lowly occupation.
The pain tolerance and body mechanics management I learned as a fighter and coach are helping me get through this whirling haze of—ah, damn, this is why old folks live at the pharmacy—discomfort, so much so that I am still looking forward to bagging a prime buck on the first day of Dindu Season.
Thriving in Bad Places
James if you can hang in there a few more years there's powered exoskeletons being produced right now. Several companies are lowering the price. It would provide the majority of support while letting you move normally. They're talking $5,000 for Panasonics. You should get on disability so the evil government can pay for it.
If you could take the load off combined with exercises to straighten the spine you could might get some fairly strong relief. I know you're hard headed but being in pain for no reason proves nothing. Maybe you should start smoking dope. This book,"Miss Craig's 21-Day Shape-Up Program for Men and Women: A Plan of Natural Movement Exercises for Anyone in Search of a Trim and Healthy Body" I swear will straighten out your spine. I know from experience. It will take a while but it will work and make your posture exactly like someone who is a walking advertisement for correct posture. You can get this book cheap used.
Thanks Sam. The book you suggest is something I've read and I use a number of the exercises. It just takes time.
A big 10-4 on busting your ass all your life. I share the sentiment. My dad owned a logging and sawmill company and as a kid, I cut down my first tree with a chainsaw at 8 yrs old. It grew from there, woods and mill for years until I realized it was hurting me physically. That's why I joined the army and became all I could be. Have an "easier" life until I could barely walk anymore. Damn I'm smart. As bad of shape as I'm in now, I would do it all again because I was tough once and I know what tough takes. Now, as an old geezer, I can be "food that fights back"...for a little while at least.
I'm glad for you—and here is to being food that fights back!
You should start taking some testosterone...
Like powerlifting legend Louie Simmons:
Joe Rogan Experience #854 - Louie Simmons
Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson were also back again:
Joe Rogan Experience #872 - Graham Hancock & Randall Carlson
James, your last paragraph got me thinking: When the inevitable happens, and you have to open up a can on some fine young scholar-athlete, how will you tell your loyal readers about it? Whatever happens will be almost as educational for us as it will be for the Dindu. There will be lessons in tools, tactics, and timing that should be shared...but not in such a way that leads the authorities to your door or constitutes an admission of guilt.
Have you thought about telling the tale in the form of fiction with a pre-arranged title like "Rendezvous With Destiny", or something? That way, when the White "Poet" goes to work, you will have plausible deniability.
My plan is to call and leave Charles a message he can transcribe and post. It beats calling 911 for the attackers.