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Race War Update: 11/25/16
Dindu Pair Plants Explosive Device at School; Planned to Shoot cops, start race war
© 2016 James LaFond & Jeremy Bentham
Start a race war? There already is one. Although so far only one side is doing the fighting.
-Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy, your reporting has been invaluable—thank you.
As for the race war, I contend that we are still in the Purge phase. This is a low intensity version of the Tonkin Resolution. I firmly believe, with every crack in the pottery of my brain, that the Dindu horsemen who have been trying to start a race war are working for the Federal Government as witless pawns. We all know that 1 paleface rifleman is worth 30 Dindu handgunners—and he can live off the land instead of being tied down pillaging. Most Dindus know this and dream about an America where the police protect them from palefaces. The BLM movement is an expression of this civil will. Jeremy, you, and many of my readers have no idea how terrified most blacks—good, law-abiding blacks and thug criminals—are of white men. This is the very racial mystique that has kept me alive in the face of overwhelming hostile odds for some 30 years. A quiet white man who is not afraid is a thing of dread. As I limp along at work, barely able to walk, but still able to work, I cut a sorry sight under my gray beard. However, the young black men at work are still terrified of me—shrink in dread at my passing as if they expect God to reach down out of heaven and press the transmogrification button on the back of my powerpack...
The thing that has terrified liberals—who are psychologically Dindus—about Trump is he has not apologized for being white. The surest sign—in Black Muslim Theology, which is the bedrock of modern liberal race thought—that a white man is about to "turn devil" is that he does not apologize for being white.
Jeremy, I think that our government apparatus yearns for martial law, and that the DOHS has a wet dream scenario that consists of palefaces striking back at Dindu mobs so that they can intervene.
New Hope in the Home of Witness Intimidation?
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Fatmanjudo     Nov 25, 2016

I come for the reverse backhand video breakdowns and stay for the "press the transmogrification button on the back of my power pack" writing. Good stuff James happy thanksgiving.
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