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The Real Price of Chicken
A High Level Dindu Raid in Harm County
© 2016 James LaFond
The following incident happened somewhere in Harm County, at a farm store, belonging to a chain famous for it's fried chicken. The location and day are not being presented as this writer does not wish the police to retaliate against the already beleaguered clerks.
There are two farm stores from two competing chains servicing a certain area of Harm County. I patronize the one store and have noticed a strong police presence there and that cops come in and get what they want without paying for it, just saying hello to the lone clerk, who is content to look the other way so long as the cops keep him safe.
Although I do not shop at the other farm store, a lady who works there shops at my job site and she informed me last year that cops no longer check in on her, and take their time answering calls for help, ever since she was told to stop giving them free fried chicken meals.
Her store—fortunately not while she was on duty—was hit at 1:30 a.m. while the clerk was taking out the trash and a customer was inside. The clerk was tied up by the robbers with trash bags. They then held the customer in the store while they took all of the cigarettes and other valuables from behind the counter, making one of the cleanest convenience store heists in a while.
Increasingly, as the police come under pressure from the media and municipal leaders not to pursue and apprehend criminals, their likelihood of defending a location is basically going to come down to a protection racket.
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