This is the first book to celebrate the Trump presidential victory by a “deplorable,” as “evil incarnate” Hillary Clinton has defined us, not merely a Trump supporter, but a white working class male, and one who has not had a job for some time. My quest in this book is to throw some mud back at the cosmopolitan elite, who range from the degenerate university/college snowflakes, to the violent Leftoid terrorists destroying our cities, to the global gangster-bankers, and IT beta males, who have the power to financially raid nations and bring whole economies to their knees in their quest to create an authoritarian “third world hellhole,” as Ann Coulter describes it in her book, Adios America! (Regnery Publishing, Washington DC, 2015). This is the world which Hillary Clinton and higher-level globalists like George Soros lust for, a “hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders.” (Clinton, speech, May 16, 2013) It is a world where my kind is tossed into the dumpster of history.