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Amongst Journalists
A Daily Caller Interview with Samuel Finlay
© 2016 James LaFond
I recently went down a bit of a rabbit hole and found myself thinking of you and your work. Given your recent post "It Runs Deep," I thought I'd share some of it.
Katie Frates at Tucker Carlson's outfit The Daily Caller was kind enough to review my book and invited me to sit in with them on a recent Facebook Live show when I was in town. At 11:30 in the link below, Miss Frates brings up women in the military and I shared some of my thoughts on gender and violence. Note her reaction. Seeing her response reminded me of a lot of the things you've written on the relationship between women and conflict, particularly in the Western tradition. "You may drive out nature with a pitchfork and yet she will return" as the old Roman said.
On a similar note, while they are journalists, they seem to be trying to challenge the standard narrative within the Overton Window in a way that doesn't make normies completely shit up their backs, and I think they would probably be interested in some of your work, particularly in terms of what you're seeing in Baltimore with the gangs and corruption and all. If you're ever of a mind for sending something their way, I'd be happy to pass along Katie's email address or drop her a line.
Anyhow, I hope you're staying safe out there and that you're doing well. I'm enjoying the supplements to Reverent Chandler and look forward to seeing where you take us with it.
Keep giving 'em hell, James,
The week is almost over, and we're... - The Daily Caller | Facebook
The week is almost over, and we're joined by Army veteran Samuel Finlay, author of "Breakfast with the Dirt Cult," to drink some beers and break things...
So, Sam, you are asking me if I want to communicate with the corn-fed doll that sat next to you on the media couch?
Oookay, I suppose I can find some time.
Thanks for looking out, Sam
Breakfast with the Dirt Cult Paperback – October 12, 2012
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MescFranklin     Nov 28, 2016

Just wanna plug Samuel Finlay's book as well, 'Breakfast with The Dirt Cult'. Great book. Buy it. Especially you older guys who are all rah, rah Murica but thinks its just liberals who took over that made this bad.

The Red Pill is not pleasant..its bitter and laughs at your despair.

The guys I talked to over there are all of a similar outlook, they feel like they were lied to but they are suffering even more than the other soldiers of our ill-gotten wars did in the past. Its not them as much as they lack like all of us youngsters a real culture based around eternal things…this is the ground zero anti-nation.

But this is just another challenge, its not hopeless.

Our DNA is the same as those who challenged Mother nature with fire and sharp rocks..a Mother who devours her children but those who escape are made stronger by the ordeal.

Thanks for a great novel Sam!
B     Nov 28, 2016

That Overton window is taking a brick just now:

This election started off as Idiocracy meets One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, and then morphed into X-Files meets Eyes Wide Shut.
JR     Nov 28, 2016

Coming to a military near you when it's been feminized, lobotomized and made really nice:


"The Daily News reports that the Swedish Armed Forces have developed a “Gender Guide” to inform all military and battlefield decision-making.

Here is an excerpt from the manual (translated through google):

“Women must participate on equal terms in the conflict cycle, all parts, such as conflict prevention, conflict resolution, humanitarian assistance and peace support operations, and in all reconstruction following a conflict,” it says, among other things."


It's that last paragraph which is the real hoot. Maybe 'conflict resolution' actually does mean going all kinetic on the other guy, but nah, it's really about holding hands together.

(from . A great website btw)
SidVic     Nov 29, 2016

"Belle of the Ball". I enjoyed that interview. I do believe i like this dirt cult. Ms Frates was very attractive, unpolished, but she definitely has good bones.
James     Nov 30, 2016

My lady friend, after viewing this, said, "Sam seems like such a nice guy, how he sat respectfully at a distance, where you, dog that you are, would have been crowding her as you pretended you couldn't hear!"
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