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‘The Great White Mudshark’
A Blind Date at the White Marsh Barnes and Noble, 11/29/16, 6:05 P.M.
© 2016 James LaFond
Mescaline Franklin and I were speaking over a juice and coffee in the coffee shop. Two tables behind us courtship of a most beastly kind was in full bloom, some of which I slightly overheard with my journalistic superpowers.
This was one of those dates that amounts to the woman interviewing a fuck-buddy. I’ve been on a few—okay, a half-dozen.
The hilarious thing about this was I was looking over the broad shoulder of a real White Nationalist, who is fond of saying, when he sees paleface breeders with Dindu drones, “That’s all right, once you go black we don’t want you back.”
The man, seated with his back to me was 5, 8” 155 pounds, fit, well dressed like an IT geek, and in his late twenties. He was a chocolate-toned African American.
The woman facing me hulked above him, her broad cannonball shoulders sweeping out as wide as the two-seat table. Her large jug head made her cute face seem a bit pinched as she smiled like a female actress playing Hoss in the remake of Bonanza. Her voice was almost deep—husky I’d say, her hair tastefully short, not butchy, with a nice set of breasts, that, though D-cups looked like raisins on her massive frame of whale bone. Her waist did narrow to about 48 inches and her hips widened enough that she did, technically possess an hourglass form, though one to be filled with gravel, not sand. When she stood up to leave, unable to contain her enthusiasm for the tryst to come, she stood about 6’ 2” and went a matronly Germanic 380 pounds.
Mescaline could not understand why I was laughing, assuming it was at the plight of this seemingly civilized stud, about to be ridden like the Grinch’s dog before the overloaded sleigh as a penalty for his quest to avoid the wrath of a woman of his own race, so renowned for their cruelty.
It was about the last line in her hookup interview, “So, did you play basketball?” he asked.
A good sport to the end, Dindu Johnson laughed and said, “I would have liked to but I’m not tall enough!”
She then said, “Let’s go,” and stood grinning, looking down with lust-filled eyes and he rose somewhat timidly before her and they preceded no their experimental way as I chuckled until it hurt, and chuckled some more.
On Bitches
‘Crowned with Fullness, Smoothness’
harm city
Harm County Pigskin
son of a lesser god
your trojan whorse
into leviathan’s maw
dark, distant futures
time & cosmos
the greatest lie ever sold
Nero The Pict     Nov 30, 2016

Ha..Ha...Ha!!!! I thank you for yet another spitting my coffee out laughing moment! The mental image of Hoss as a mudshark, too much man. Poor little dude. Wonder if he knew what he was in for.

More importantly I hope this was playing in the background while they were making sweet sweet love.
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