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Taliban Marksmanship
WellRead Ed on the Case
© 2016 James LaFond
The IRA, at the top of its game, was only slightly more proficient than the Michigan Militia and in fact, when it came to marksmanship and small unit tactics, may have been inferior. Their preference for the AR over the AK has a simpler explanation; availability. AR's could be had from sources in both the US and Canadian militaries, or simply by smuggling examples bought in the USA. Because shooting is a noisy endeavor, practice was near non-existent. Most engagements were short-range ambushes that were quick and vicious if not particularly effective. Where they really excelled was IED's and terrorism, raising the car bomb to an art form. Like most organizations of that ilk, the various factions spent more time fighting each other than making any real progress in their 'struggle.'
The Taliban, by contrast, had a significant number of veterans from the Russian invasion that had probably been trained by US advisors or their proxies. Combine that with their long history of clan wars and proclivity for brutality towards their enemies, and the nod has to go to the Taliban. Again, IED's were their forte', since their small unit tactics were sorely lacking and the fabled marksmanship skills of their forefathers had diminished, with rate of fire replacing true skill. Today, if one encounters a Taliban (or Daesh, or Boko Haram...) with any skill at shooting, chances are they are imports; former Iraqi, Chechen, or Iranian military.
Ultimately, this match up was basically two groups of thugs going at it, on a par with a comparison of the Arуan Brotherhood vs the Crips.
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