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Enough Guns to Equip the Marine Corps
FBI Says Black Friday Set New Gun Background Check Record
© 2016 James LaFond & Jeremy Bentham
Yep, at 185,713 transactions that would be more than enough. FYI: the end strength of the U.S. Marine Corps for 2015 was 182,100 active personnel. Looks like Black Friday 2016 wasn’t a bust after all.
Jeremy, the fact that so many blacks are buying guns to protect themselves from whites when Trump takes office is not really surprising. Blacks well know that white people have been ruthlessly hunted by their young men on the streets of America every since their Dark Lord took office. They naturally assume that whites are going to counter attack when the White Dragon ascends the zebra throne.
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Jeremy Bentham     Dec 1, 2016

LOL! Indeed James, this report that blacks are "all of a sudden" going out and buying guns is very amusing to say the least. One from the fake news department for certain. A case of taking coals to New Castle. We have been told ad nauseum by the Leftist press that black neighborhoods are already awash in guns, haven't we? President Obama has told us that in the 'hood "it is easier for you to buy a firearm than it is for you to buy a book, there are neighborhoods where it is easier for you to buy a handgun and clips than it is for you to buy a fresh vegetable". So blacks have guns? What else is new? What WAS news was that urban whites have been buying guns in ever increasing numbers. All of a sudden hipster whites were asking us rednecks for advice on what guns to purchase. This article serves as another illustration of Leftist psychological projection as well. All the Democrat constituencies, blacks, Hispanics, gays, transgenders, Jews, hipsters, migrants, et al now say they are afraid that the God-Emperor Trump will send them all to prison camps and turn the white night riders lose on them to boot. Of course that is preposterous, their fears are unfounded. For one, whites are too busy earning a living and paying the taxes that support the welfare nanny state. If contemporary whites were violent and vengeful they would have demonstrated so long before. In spite of the abundant evidence that there is obviously a low intensity race war being waged by blacks against whites, most of us whites just don't feel threatened enough where we live to want to go to war...not yet at least. Of course all these white Liberals and minorities crying and carrying on about how they fear persecution by Trump and his supporters really tells us what THEY had planned for US middle and working-class white people had Hillary won. Not at all a pleasant realization. So this means that white folks are going to keep on buying guns and ammunition. You don’t need a weatherman to tell you which way the wind is blowing.
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