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Mad Dog Mattis?
Making War Great Again - The God Emperor Ascendant Chooses Mad Dog Mattis for Defense Secretary by Vox Day   
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
   Is Mad Dog Mattis the man we need to kick the PC and Neocon bullshit out of the Pentagon? Only time will tell, but it looks promising. At least the God-Emperor appears to be seriously reform-minded based on his selections for his cabinet. If he can secure the unwavering support of a majority in Congress, then anything is possible. The fact is that America is broke. With nearly 20 trillion dollars of debt, the U.S. Federal Government owes more money than anyone has owed to anybody else in the history of the world. It can no longer afford to pursue an interventionist foreign policy. It cannot afford to cater to every self-identified grievance group that wants increased representation in the Armed Forces either. The principle threats to America’s national security today are the national debt and mass immigration from the Third World. Without mass immigration into the country, both legal and illegal, there would be no foreign-based terrorism here. The Jihadists couldn’t attack us if they were not allowed into our country in the first place. Consider how much tax money must be spent to secure public events today, such as the annual Macey’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City and the Boston Marathon, all because we have allowed Jihadist fanatics, and their progeny, to enter and settle in our country.
 Obama Supports Forcing Women To Register For Military Draft
Hmmm…Wonder why the Obama Administration is bringing this up now? The funny thing is that many of the Liberals I have had occasion to speak with over the years were steadfastly opposed to a military draft, but at the same time fully supported the idea of compulsory public service. In any event the military draft is dead. It is politically unsupportable. As such maintaining the selective service system is a waste of money. Even if America were invaded a draft would still be a hard sell with the public at large. Only the Democrats could bring back the draft. For then the media would support it and promote it and demonize anyone who opposed it.
Jihad Update
Found at an Islamic State training camp: bunk beds, weapons manuals, steroids
Just like Bible camp.
"Allah did not create man so that he could have fun. The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There is no fun in Islam. There can be no fun and joy in whatever is serious."
- Ayatollah Khomeini
“All people, you have tried the secular regime, you’ve lived under many eras,” it said. “Now this is the era of Islamic State.”
Indian Style Knife Fighting: Part Two
modern combat
Pro NFL Players?
the greatest boxer
orphan nation
dark, distant futures
honor among men
beasts of arуas
america the brutal
book of nightmares
winter of a fighting life
Sam J.     Dec 3, 2016

The names floated at first to fill the Trump administration caused me to believe we'd been had but it seems to be turning around. Some say that meeting with Romney was really just a huge troll on Trumps part. Maybe he was just trying to line them up for support personally to head off trouble later. Mad Dog seems a good pick. I hope he keeps Giuliani far away as the likelihood of him being involved in the Jewish attack on the US on 9-11 is very high.
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 3, 2016

The thought for today:

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." - General James “Mad Dog “Mattis USMC
B     Dec 3, 2016

Mattis is a loudmouthed idiot play-acting Patton.

In reality, his record includes Camp Rhino, where he sat around waiting to be invited to the party, and then refused an SF team medevac after they got bombed by US aircraft (LTC Jason Amerine has gone public about it recently,) the drive up to Baghdad (where he faced the terrible and mighty Iraqi Army,) and running CENTCOM during Hillary's fucked up Arab Spring project and the pissing away of any gains made in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What has he accomplished, other than making bombastic noises about killing Haji out of his facehole?

Incidentally, he blamed the Isrаeli settlement enterprise for his failure at CENTCOM. You know, the American military is just stymied by some trailers on hills in Samaria; that's why they lost in Yemen, and let half of Syria and Iraq get taken over by IS. Only by bulldozing my house can they possibly achieve victory.

But on the plus side, maybe he'll kick out the trannies and homos? As a lifelong know, it took Nixon to go to China....
Ishmael     Dec 3, 2016

Can anyone really know a man until you bleed with him, fight with him, suffer with him?
Sam J.     Dec 4, 2016

I was reading B's comment and thinking "what the hell does he have against him", until I got to,"...Incidentally, he blamed the Isrаeli settlement enterprise for his failure at CENTCOM. You know, the American military is just stymied by some trailers on hills in Samaria; that's why they lost in Yemen, and let half of Syria and Iraq get taken over by IS. Only by bulldozing my house can they possibly achieve victory..."

Ding!, Ding!, Ding!

Notice,"...the drive up to Baghdad (where he faced the terrible and mighty Iraqi Army,)...".

Thank God they weren't the dreaded Hezbollah that ran the Jews out of Lebanon or we would have really been in trouble. And those car bombs and IED's...well they don't compare to those feisty Palestinians. They have rocks! If they hit you it REALLY hurts!

"...Mattis is a loudmouthed idiot play-acting Patton..."

Jews complaining about bigmouths. Well I guess you're right as Jews are so quite, taciturn and respectful.

The situation with LTC Jason Amerine was that the General would not send a helicopter from a closer group(45 minutes away) and instead a special forces chopper (3 hours away) went instead and Men died. The General says it was because he didn't know the situation. I'm assuming that he though it was an ambush when it was really friendly fire that attacked the troops. Could it be the close ones were Blackhawks and the farther were Chinooks. Better armed and armored? I don't know.

Others say different.
B     Dec 5, 2016

I've been to Iraq twice, you stupid faɡɡot (and Afghanistan once.)
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