James, I’ll bet you never imagined you’d see a tagger wearing a blue blazer and holding a wine glass, eh? Given that incidents like this are occurring across the Land it is clear that our Leftist ruling elite (AKA the “Goodwhites”) has collectively been driven insane by God-Emperor Trump’s election victory. Clinically so.
Jeremy, in Harm City some of the few people who vocalized their support for Trump are Sikhs, Muslims and Hindus. I'd like to see one of these paleface faɡɡots vandalize one of their liquor stress. Also, it should be known that this Fresh Market chain caters to the liberal elite, which makes this something like the panty-waist liberal equivalent of Tyrone and Jamal burning down their neighborhood Korean grocery. I bet the night crew guys would have loved to get ahold of these bone-smokers.
Kenney: Anti-Trump vandalism involving city attorney 'dumb mistake'
Updated: December 1, 2016—11:58 AM EST
by Julia Terruso, Staff Writer
(Surveillance video)
(Channel 6 News: City attorney and another man target Store and record "F- TRUMP" graffiti
I never seen the coward in the blue blazer do anything, they always have a expendable do the shit work!
Genius, James, Jeremy. Sheer genius and a sense of humor.
It looks like the Philly city attorney wanted to brag to other yuppies about this later. "Me and Jaden went TAGGING." The guy actually writing on the wall appears to be a white Millennial yuppie evidenced by his expensive, tight-fitting wool "hoodie." Both appear to be homosexuals.