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U.S. Veterans Arrive at Pipeline Protest Camp
New post on Warrior Publications
© 2016 James LaFond
Some of our readers have asked what I know of the Standing Rock Stand-Off and my answer is nothing. However, Warrior Publications posts on it daily. A link to their latest is below. This fellow is one of the hardest working bloggers out there. Based on the posting history it seems that this type of thing is always going on in Canada.
by Zig Zag
Veterans have a demonstration on Backwater bridge during a protest against plans to pass the Dakota Access pipeline near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, U.S., December 1, 2016. REUTERS/Stephanie Keith
By Terray Sylvester and Alicia Underlee Nelson, Reuters, December 2, 2016
U.S. military veterans were arriving on Thursday at a camp to join thousands of activists braving snow and freezing temperatures to protest a pipeline project near a Native American reservation in North Dakota. Read more of this post.
Zig Zag | December 2, 2016 at 12:00 PM | Tags: #NoDAPL, anti-pipeline resistance, Dakota Access Pipeline, North Dakota, veterans | Categories: Oil & Gas | URL:
Mescaline Feed: 11/6/16
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Jeremy Bentham     Dec 3, 2016

Gregory (Scotland Yard detective): "Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention?" Sherlock Holmes: "To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time." Detective Gregory: "The dog did nothing in the night-time." Sherlock Holmes: "That was the curious incident." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, “The Adventure of Silver Blaze” (1892).

Likewise it is curious that our outgoing president, President Obama, did nothing to shut down the building of this controversial “Dakota Access” pipeline beneath a lake in the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. He could withhold permission to build this pipeline just as surely as he did the final Phase IV section of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the proposed pipeline through the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska. Has he suddenly lost interest in protecting the environment as well as the interests of historically oppressed minorities? Does he now WANT to see strife between the federal government and the people? What IS his angle? This is another one of those things that makes you go hmmmm…
Sam J.     Dec 4, 2016

I understand they don't like pipelines but they're boring under the lake and the river so leaks shouldn't be a problem. They're not just laying it on the bottom. Right now they're carrying all this crude in railroad cars. This is WAY more likely to create a spill than a pipeline.
Sam J.     Dec 4, 2016

I also read the pipeline is near the Reservation not on it. I think the Indians could immediately stop any pipeline on a Reservation. They are sovereign.
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 5, 2016

Yes Sam J. you are correct. The pipeline was to be dug underneath Lake Oahe, a large reservoir created on the Missouri River in the 1960's by the Army Corps of Engineers. Lake Oahe is not inside the borders of an Indian reservation. Instead it forms the eastern boundary of the large Standing Rock Indian Reservation, straddling the North Dakota / South Dakota state line, as well as the Cheyenne River Indian reservation directly to the south in SD. The Standing Rock Indians opposed the pipeline easement ostensibly because they believed it would threaten to harm their drinking water source in Lake Oahe as well as threaten (how?) several alleged sacred sites located near the banks of the lake. Two possible burial sites of Sitting Bull, a Sioux leader, are located along Lake Oahe. One is near Fort Yates, North Dakota, while the other is near Mobridge. The white Leftist protestors were there because they were concerned about “water quality” and because they oppose all drilling and pumping of oil. Taking oil and gas out of Mother Earth and using it for things like fueling motor vehicles, heating your home and making plastic is evil of and by itself, therefore it must be stopped you understand. Why were the “veterans” there? I must imagine these veterans held Leftist political sympathies themselves. Those of you who have never served in the military might be surprised to learn how many flaming Leftists there ARE in the Armed Forces. Having had occasion to discuss issues with these military Leftists over the years it has always puzzled me why these people would want to risk their lives defending a country they truly regarded as stupid, racist and evil. Why were they in the military? What was the attraction for them? Their contrary attitudes certainly cast reasonable doubt on their level of commitment. Anyway it appears the issue has been rendered moot, as the Army Corps of Engineers has “suddenly” denied the easement for the pipeline to go underneath the lake. (Feds deny permit for Dakota Access pipeline). Well if Lefties were truly concerned about water contamination they would be protesting the City of Milwaukee as well as the Bad River Indian Reservation in Wisconsin. Both entities have been dumping raw sewage into the Great Lakes for years; however, since neither outfit is run by Republicans, Conservatives, or white capitalist businessmen, the EPA, the media and the protestors leave them alone. As Lenin said, in politics it is never “what”, but “who” that matters. Not what is being done, but who is doing it.
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