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Race War Update: 12/6/16
St. Louis Musician has Reason to Sing the Blues after being Brutally Attacked by Dindus in Soulard
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
  They asked him for a cigarette and a light. A common “interview” question intended to halt and distract a mugging victim. A signal of an impending assault to the knowledgeable, like “Is that my bike?” Such interview phrases have been used so often by Dindu assailants that you could no doubt use knowledge of their use in your defense in court, to demonstrate that you were justifiably in fear for your life as soon as you heard those words uttered in that circumstance. At that moment you became aware you were in imminent danger of receiving  a beating which could kill you or cripple you for life. That you were aware that one or more of your attackers was likely to be armed as well and would employ such weapons if you proved capable of mounting an effective unarmed defense against the initial assault. Keep in mind your actions will always be judged in court by what you can demonstrate you knew before the fact. Things that you learned about a suspect or suspects after the fact cannot be used to justify your actions in a plea of self-defense, but anything you knew before hand certainly can be. Like they say, you don’t have to be 100% right, but you do have to appear that you were acting out of a reasonable/logical fear of grave harm to your person.
St. Louis community comes together for local musician who was brutally attacked in Soulard
By Lauren Pozen, Reporter Connect | 2016/12/03
Nothing you have is yours!
For White People Who Want to Attend #BlackLivesMatter Protests
“Nothing you have is yours. Let me be clear: Nothing you have is yours. Also, Let me be see through: Reparations are not donations, because we are not your charity, tax write off, or good deed for the day. You are living off of stolen resources, stolen land, exploited labor, appropriated culture and the murder of our people. Nothing you have is yours.”
“If you really believe that #BlackLivesMatter, ask yourself if you’re willing to die for us and to die to dismantle this system.”
For White People Who Want to Attend #BlackLivesMatter Protests
Ashleigh Shackelford Jul 11, 2016 Race 
Wear Your Voice |
'Public Enemy No. 1'
harm city
Beware the Dindu Party Crasher
the greatest boxer
honor among men
menthol rampage
the year the world took the z-pill
winter of a fighting life
logic of force
songs of arуas
the fighting edge
Sam J.     Dec 7, 2016

I repeat again. I could make short work of this. Pass a bill approving reparations with giving up citizenship and being moved to Africa. The pay will be $50,000 cash up front the rest paid over four years to equal $250,000. Even build nice buildings of apartments to live in Africa. Sign up African Americans with the $50,000 up front. Include the kids so 4 kids equals $200,000. I don't think they could resist. You would of course have to force-ably remove them but with a good crew with powered armor suits to just grab them and drag them off you could round them up quickly. What percentage would take the money knowing that it meant loss of citizenship and removal to Africa? I bet 30% minimum.
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