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'Utter Contempt'
Anonymous Prolific Upscale Blogger Reaches Out to the Heathen
© 2016 James LaFond
Hi Mr. LaFond,
I've enjoyed your blog for a few years now. I blog here:
I write prolifically, but I keep my head down because self-promotion, no matter how meager, tends to obligate a writer to publishers and readers and compromise the writing's integrity, and because I'm pretty alt-right but as a half-Hebrew I'm not really welcome there and don't want to be intrusive (plus, a lot of Jews who might otherwise read me don't lean as far right as I do). But you're one of the few writers I'd consider alt-right in a broad, philosophical sense who isn't reflexively anti-Jew. Anti-Jew doesn't phase me (sometimes it's legit, in which case I generally agree) ideological reflexiveness does, though.
Anyhow, what prompted me to write you was your recent post, 'A Hebrew Heads Up.' I figured, given my own Hebraicism, that a post I authored might clear up some of the issues you raised there:
Anyhow, thanks for your writing, and I hope you enjoy mine.
Thank you so much, [*****]
You have the same first name as the best fighter I've known.
My question is, can I use the contents of this e-mail as a post. My readers would like to read your article I am sure. I also want to know if you really want your name out there or if you use an alias and want me to use that.
I liked your article very much, [*****], particularly how you demonstrate a similar degradation of our various societies.
I have to say your analytic thinking is a full level above mine.
Take care,
Hi James,
Thanks a lot for your replies, they mean a lot. Although, I don't agree that my analytical thinking is anywhere above yours, I just have more intimacy with a given subject. In the same vein, your writing on urban life and death validated impressions I had for a long time, but was afraid to acknowledge to myself, for deeply ingrained political reasons, and because I usually stay away from such environments. You really drive home the fact that essentially we really are forbidden from defending ourselves at the very time when we need to be prepared to more than ever. As a well-off Jewboy (I'm actually half WASP, it's not less of who I am) I realized that late, and needed encouragement to realize it, so your writing is an antidote to lethal poison, and it means a lot. I actually had to chase a couple of boogies off my neighbor's property with my .9 drawn on Thanksgiving Eve, and if doing so was more of an impulse than a fearsome task, it's because you and others aren't afraid to keep pointing to the badly obscured reality. But if things had gotten lethal and I came out on top, I'd be in jail awaiting trial right now.
Anyhow, if you wouldn't mind using my blog name, Utter Contempt, I'd appreciate it. I'm a very small fish but I do work in corporate and am not allowed to have some of the opinions I express on that blog.
By the way, I guess you realize you may get flack for sharing my article, people may say it doesn't adequately factor in Jewish influence on US policy. It isn't that I don't acknowledge that, it just wasn't what I wanted to focus on in that particular treatment of that subject.
Thanks again,
AKA: Utter Contempt
Taboo You: Deluxe Man Cave Edition
Bitches be Crazy Update: 12/7/16
Siri Catches Me Mid-Sentence
america the brutal
the greatest boxer
the gods of boxing
advent america
sons of arуas
the lesser angels of our nature
on combat
graphomaniac archive #1
Gerard     Dec 7, 2016

Good blog by utter contempt. The article on the alt right was good too. But don't sell yourself short, no one can hold a candle to the Baltimore violence guy!
PR     Dec 8, 2016

"But you're one of the few writers I'd consider alt-right in a broad, philosophical sense who isn't reflexively anti-Jew"

Many in the alt-right are not reflexively anti-Jew. Most in the alt-right have noticed that most Jews are liberal and anti-white. I was not "antisemitic" until I noticed that Jews were constantly ridiculing people like me and they really mean it.
Sam J.     Dec 8, 2016

"...reflexively anti-Jew... ideological reflexiveness does, though..."

Notice I always say,"...The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. No all, maybe not even the majority, but a large number....".

Of course it's very difficult to tell if a person is psychopathic or not so I always add,"...Even if it's wrong if you assume the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths you will never be surprised and Jew's behavior will make sense...".
Utter Contempt     Dec 8, 2016

Sam J.- I'm not in disagreement with you, I'm saying that's why I haven't gone and gotten any of my blather published anywhere (even though I could) and mostly just keep it to myself. Perfectly reasonable to judge strangers based on demographics. Ideological reflexivity is a different thing, though, we're not talking about a street interaction or a business transaction, this internet banter is all just dialectical.

PR - What I mean is that Lafond assesses people as animals, like a fighter does. He's not pushing a worldview, he's just expressing one; his material's a prayer, not a pamphlet; an instinctive howl, not a twisted diatribe. So when I saw he posted something about the JQ, I decided to chime in because I figured he'd look at my material dispassionately, which is more than can be said for most people, on the alt-right or anywhere.

Gerard - Thanks man.

And thanks again to James Lafond.
James     Dec 8, 2016

Oh Contemptuous One, thank you for pointing out that I do not recognize the humanity of must people. Most readers seem to miss that. This has resulted in my quirky level of serenity.

There is one thing you have prompted me to address, which I haven't.

My supposed standing as an "alt-right" blogger, when most who embrace that label regard me with the silence due the damned.

I will try and write a short piece addressing this.
Sam J.     Dec 9, 2016

I used to be pro-Jewish. I felt they were what they said, a western civilization oasis in the middle of tyranny. Until 9-11. If you look at building #7, not hit by a plane, the building with a few fires on three or four floors falling the same speed as a rock dropped in air. Well for it to fall the same speed as the rock in air means that the building was supported by the same material. After all it fell the same speed. Now we all know the building wasn't floating on air. That only leaves one other alternative. The support was demoed in some manner out from under it. Now myself and plenty of others can easily see this and there's no refuting it. It's just a short skip and jump to realizing all the media, owned or controlled by the Jews, have to see this too and they are saying...nothing. Being the curious sort I started backtracking and checking the previous history of the Jews. It's not good. It's horrible. Anyone or any society that trust the Jews in aggregate has always been screwed. Always. Do some innocent Jews suffer because of this? I'm sure they do but it beats have your society destroyed. The Jews are always at the "us or them" stage. I have learned from them and have finally decided that I'm at the "us or them" stage too and I choose my people. If this is evil so be it. I haven't seen the Jews apologize for helping the take over of Spain by the Muslims that took them 900 years to overthrow, the destruction of Germany(twice). the mass murder of Ukrainians by starvation, the Gulags in Russia ultimately causing 60 million deaths, the mass murder of the Persians (which they celebrate every year), etc., etc. Jews don't care about others so we shouldn't care about them.
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