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Life in Dindustan: 12/8/16
Road Rage and Race-Based Body Cavity Searches
© 2016 James LaFond & Jeremy Bentham
Man Who Killed NFL Star Joe McKnight In Road Rage Attack Charged
Posted at 10:53 am on December 6, 2016 by Bob Owens
A illustration of the “LaFond Doctrine”: i.e. do not verbally engage the Dindus. Remain silent as much as possible. This is because : 1. Anything you say (especially if it’s a threat or insult or “racial epithet”) WILL be used by the Dindus as an excuse in their minds to beat your ass bloody. 2. If you trade insults, vituperations and threats with the Dindus (as in “Oh yeah? You and what army motherfucker?”), you will be seen by the law as having “escalated” the conflict, “kept the ball rolling”, and therefore you will share some blame in whatever bad outcomes result from it. 3. If the altercation goes down in the ‘hood, and you are white/non-black, it is very likely the available witnesses will tell bald-faced lies about you to the police, either out of racial animus or because they fear displeasing the thugs, or both. You don’t want to give the prevaricators ammunition, you don’t want to have to admit that any of what they say about was true (Well yeah officer, I did use the N-word…but, but, they were using it too!). If you are legally armed with a concealed lethal weapon you are especially expected to avoid getting into fist fights, as YOU more than anyone else at the scene will know that a weapon is present and, as such, the fist fight has the potential to turn into a shooting or stabbing. If you are ILLEGALLY armed and instigate and /or escalate the conflict, then you will be seen by the law as having had a “premeditation toward violence” (i.e. you were looking for a fight and provoked the conflict so that you could use your weapon and then claim “self-defense”. Just like in the classic western movie “Shane”).
In this case the authorities apparently believe that Ronald Gasser acted in ways that served to escalate the conflict. So having cast of off the “mantle of innocence” by his actions he bears some blame for the death of Joe McKnight, so they are charging him with manslaughter. Now even if one escalated or even initiated a conflict you still have the right to not be beaten to death by someone who clearly overpowers you and may not be reasonably expected show restraint in “teaching you a lesson”, but again when you start and/or escalate a conflict your defense becomes problematic as you WILL likely be assigned a portion of blame by the triers of the facts for what happened.
Gasser was charged, but not convicted over a previous road rage incident. The Law says a defendant’s prior acts cannot be used against him, that he must be judged on how he acted in this instance alone. However, given the current political climate Gasser’s past actions probably WILL be used against him, at least by the media.
Jeremy. as usual you and Mister Owens do a standout job on this. A poor piece of white trash like me is very happy to have you as a legal advisor?
Here is a link to what I perceive is a really bad video in terms of demeaning palefaces and encouraging aggression by melanin-rich athletes. Although this is a public service announcement, both men are shown behaving in a manner accepting of mutual combat. Evander should not leave the car. If a prize-fighter of his stature stepped into a mutual combat with a regular person he is arguably at as much legal risk as the little guy would be if he used a gun.
Mom with cancer 'humiliated' after aggressive TSA search
“I think it was really a game for them.” Keep in mind that the Transportation Security Agency (TSA) serves the following purposes:
1. “Security Theater”. To put on a convincing show to make air travelers think something material is being done to protect them from terrorism, although nobody can demonstrate that the TSA has prevented a single terrorist attack.
2. Harass and humiliate whites. Show middle class white people what it’s like to be treated like a criminal, even when you have done nothing wrong. Have them experience being frisked, interrogated and ordered about by pompous uniformed officials of another race.
3. Patronage jobs. Provide unskilled black people with middle class level pay and benefits they would likely not be able to obtain in the private sector. This will also keep the black community in support of the Democrat Party and its’ big government, welfare nanny state agenda. Black people will always support the growth of government bureaucracy because it is a major source of middle class jobs for them, on account of government affirmative action hiring policies.
4. Serve as a cash cow for the Democrat Party. Create a public service union that will convert member dues into donations for Democrat Party candidates for office, as well as to support Leftist social and political causes.
Jeremy, on my recent trip west I did note that these airport jobs were filled mostly by the martyrs who had so recently had my boot heel removed from their collective neck.
‘What Irony!’
harm city
Race War Update:12/8/16
time & cosmos
beasts of arуas
‘in these goings down’
taboo you
plantation america
the first boxers
marko     Dec 8, 2016

The post office suffers from this too. Very

large number of blacks in its ranks. it's why

congress never cuts its funding even tho it loses

tremendous amounts of money every year.
Sam J.     Dec 8, 2016

:...“At some point, Mr. McKnight exits his car and goes to Mr. Gasser’s car,”..."

This seems a no brainer to me. If you get out of your car and go to another persons car then you are asking for trouble. I bet he is freed. Unfortunately trails cost a fortune and if he gets an all Black jury they could convict him. He shouldn't be tried at all.

I will heed your no talking advice. My only comment might be "I don't have anything" as it's so rude in my part of the country to completely avoid talking to someone it may be more confrontational to be silent.

On another note I'm looking at Trumps recent cabinet and top position picks and it looks like we were screwed. More of the same old shit. More Republican cucks who don't give a damn about White people. If he keeps on this way he will lose the next election but it will probably be too late. The country will go directly to shit.
Lynn     Dec 9, 2016

James, please don't call yourself white trash.
James     Dec 9, 2016

How about Arуan Debris?
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