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Race War Update:12/8/16
SJW Watching
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
Is God's Message Different for Each Race?
Vox Day on Race and Religion
If God operated like the Democrats He WOULD have a different message for each “kindred, tongue and people”. The Democrat Party once held such disparate groups as labor unions, immigrants, blacks, Jews, Catholics, peace activists, urban Liberal elites and Southern whites as its major consistencies. Naturally each group had to be promised something slightly different.
“The Democratic Party is a strange amalgam of elites, would-be elites and minorities. No wonder their policies are so confused and irrational”
- John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.) Brisbane, Australia, Dissecting Leftism BlogSpot.
I sent the link for “Confessions of a Public Defender” to a friend who works in court. He said the description of African-American behavior is spot on. The jurisdiction where he works has a resident black population that is under one per cent of the total population and yet blacks are vastly over-represented in the court system. One might logically come to a conclusion then from such examples that blacks in the aggregate will perpetually have trouble “coloring inside the lines” anywhere they go. But instead we are compelled by strict observance to the tenets of political correctness to attribute such disparate impact to white racism, and only white racism. As a result the behavioral pathologies in the black community at large are enabled and allowed to increase in their impact on the rest of society.
Americans Believe Charleston Shooter Dylann Roof Will be Acquitted
“Non-Combatants? Am no such thing! Just enemies with gun and enemies without gun.”
- “Prince of Sparta - A Novel of Falkenberg’s Legion” (1993) by Jerry Pournelle and S.M. Stirling.
So do these “Americans” believe that some or all of the nine white jurors will vote to acquit Dylann Roof? On what basis do they believe such a preposterous thing? Could it be it ‘s because they believe that there is a race war ongoing in the country and that the white jurors will see Roof’s actions as an act of war rather than a crime? A retaliation for black on white attacks?
This propensity to accuse other whites of being not only racist, but even genocidal as well, based on no evidence, didn’t work out very well for the Left in the last election, did it? But “SJWs always lie, always double-down and always project”.
Life in Dindustan: 12/8/16
harm city
One Tough Old Dame
into leviathan’s maw
song of the secret gardener
when you're food
within leviathan’s craw
the first boxers
Sam J.     Dec 9, 2016

"...What is gradually becoming apparent to me is that Western civilization not only requires a base level of intelligence, but also a base level of empathy. Any population group with an average level of either intelligence or empathy that falls below that level is not going to be able to participate in European civilization or sustain a reasonable facsimile on its own..."

I think this is a tremendous point. Extremely important. Jews have been able to run roughshod over Europeans because of this empathy which was breed in by the Church refusing close kin marriage. One of the comments,"...Empathy as a social survival strategy: being able to cooperate with your neighbours (and not just your immediate family) was essential to Ice Age Europeans ...". I don't believe this. The Neanderthals lived in Europe during the ice age and they were a bunch of violent thugs who never did shit. They built nothing and accomplished nothing. It may even be that the Jews are the surviving Neanderthals. It explain a lot.

Jews natural prey is the trusting White Man. I don't think they will fare near as well in China or India where that doesn't exist. The evidence for this lies in the middle east as Jews in the M.E. have never had the same success as they have had in Europe. I guess, as I see my country and Whites disintegrate, I can at least be happy in the knowledge that they're like the people who destroyed all their food then woke up to find themselves starving.

If I was ever called to jury duty and it was a Black man against a White man how do you think I would vote? I won't say just in case the situation arises.

Dylann Roof will never be acquitted but I would love to see Dindu faces if he was. I bet the assaults on Whites would skyrocket.
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