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The Vibe of the Tribe in the Hive
Mescaline Franklin’s Video Picks
© 2016 Mescaline Franklin
Note that Tommy Sotomayor is being hit hard by the Trump backlash, with his videos coming down fast.
‘A Good Jew’
‘Now I’m A Nazi’
Tommy’s on Fire!
Notice how whites and blacks both lie about this man supposedly choking the woman when he is just using wrist and hip control. They lie on film, on cue and believe their own lies. This is a heavily indoctrinated foe.
A Shit load of half breeds
Donald Trump, We Have a Nigga problem
‘Winter is Upon Us’
The City of Games for Revolutionary Children
the greatest lie ever sold
beasts of arуas
sons of arуas
let the world fend for itself
ball of fortune
dark, distant futures
advent america
B     Dec 8, 2016

Judging by Trump's appointments, he's thinking about a militaristic coup.

I say, go for it. Be the American Augustus. Helicopter rides for the journos, the Foundation people, the Pizzagate freaks and those like them.
James     Dec 9, 2016

That is what I would do.

If he could get one rapid deployment division to back him and occupy Washington, who should it be:

The 1001st?

the 82nd?

the marines that lost so many pilots to the Clintons?

Or should he just use the Spec Ops Command or a ranger battalion?

With Norfolk closest, should he just appeal to the SEALs?

Could a thing like this be coordinated if he has enough brass in his pocket?
Sam J.     Dec 9, 2016

"...Judging by Trump's appointments, he's thinking about a militaristic coup..."

I don't see i that way. A lot pf his appointments are cucks. It's looking like he's trying to "just get along". They will of course chew him up and spit him out. I think the only way to really get the country back in shape is shock therapy. What I would do would get all the special forces under my direct control. The 9-11 attack was clearly an inside job with Jews as the instigator. I can't see Bush being bright enough to think up something like this.

He has them them by the balls if he wished. Congress has already passed laws ending all constitutional guarantees. Go on live news, show building #7 and explain the situation. Fire all of the top 10% of the military, CIA, NSA, DIA, FBI and anyone else that might remotely get in his way. Lock down all CIA, NSA buildings where they have all the tapes of Congressmen fucking kids. Find the tapes. Blackmail the fuck out of them and throw lots of people in jail who are even remotely involved. Investigate before you let them out. Use the kiddie movies to get whatever the fuck you need passed. End all special rights for minorities or anyone. Deport the Jews, the illegal aliens, all people who have immigrated who have taken any kind of welfare, pay the Blacks to leave back to Africa with "reparations" and then deport more people. Rest.
B     Dec 9, 2016

He'll need all of them.

The conventional units to seize major communications hubs, control population movement and do other manpower intensive stuff.

The special operations guys to conduct surgical decapitation strikes on high value targets.

The really special operations guys to conduct operational preparation of the battlefield as well as operations to distract, confuse and paralyze any opposition.

He'll need officers on the inside of the leadership of the major conventional units in the Eastern US, to paralyze them in the meantime.

None of this takes really phenomenal execution, just solid execution. Planning needs to be phenomenal. Something like a US version of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan of 1979; the opposition was quite weak, but movement was so channelized and the operation was so politically sensitive that even a bit of determined resistance could have led to failure.

In this scenario, I'd watch for big training exercises in the DC/Baltimore area. Fort Belvoir, Aberdeen, etc.

The other option is to provoke the left or their pets into doing something massively stupid, maybe through agents provocateur, or even a false flag. And then launch. You'd have less leeway in making preparations, maybe.
Sam J.     Dec 11, 2016

"...The conventional units to seize major communications hubs, control population movement and do other manpower intensive stuff..."

You're confused. The people aren't the problem. The shitheads running the government are. He doesn't need to take over the country. You think the left gives a fuck about firing 10% off the top of the agencies I named. No they could care less. As long as he doesn't touch their sainted diversity they will stay home. Certainly the right would not give a fuck. They know the score and after all the major Jew lies in the press what are they going to say? Building #7 is irrefutable. It's just not possible for a building to fall the same speed as a rock dropped in air without demo. Impossible. It will be like the King with no clothes. Everyone will realize it and they will know how bad we've been screwed.

Remember when the Jews tried to take over the US with guerilla warfare in the 60's? Weather underground and that bunch. Same principle except we take off their 10% instead of ours.

He tackles the illegals first. There will be little protest about that and if any of them do and become violent then shoot them on the spot in "defense". Otherwise let them protest. There's no huge crowds of people willing to die so that illegal aliens can stay in the US. He won't do that though. I think he's pussying out on getting rid of them. He could have talked tough after the election and almost all the illegals would have left the country on their own by the time he got in office.
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