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The City of Games for Revolutionary Children
Jihad Update - Iran Opens War Theme Park for Children
© 2016 James LaFond & Jeremy Bentham
Dar al-Harb Land? The realm of war and chaos? It’s free too. What a deal! Definitely a destination vacation, eh?
Jeremy, this is like me playing "cowboys and Indians" and "kill the Japs" when I was a kid. At least someone is keeping the masculine Arуan flame alive for boys. This is probably the surest sign that the West is doomed. If the current schedule of emasculation continues, when these kids are 30, we will no longer have the raw material for special ops bad-asses to wage war around the globe. We will just be the evil empire sending out drones to snuff warriors. Rather than decry this theme park, we should have our own, where tykes get to rock along in an Enola Gay simulator and nuke Japs—and you don't collect your geisha girl doll unless you avoid the mushroom cloud!
war games
Iran opens chilling kids’ military theme park with AK47s where children as young as 8 fire bullets at US flags and effigies of the Isrаeli PM
Children dress up in full combat gear and pretend to be attacking enemies like Isrаel and the West
By Stephen Moyes
8th December 2016, 1:46 pm
THE Iranian government has opened a sinister kids’ war-based theme park which instead of roller-coasters and roundabouts has military checkpoints and AK47s.
The City of Games for Revolutionary Children park lets youngsters dress up in full combat gear and pretend to be attacking Iran’s enemies like Isrаel and the West.
The Vibe of the Tribe in the Hive
‘How Many Differences’
the first boxers
book of nightmares
logic of steel
beasts of arуas
thriving in bad places
honor among men
DL     Dec 8, 2016

Who's surprised when our head of state entered into private "negotiations" with the Anti-Jew? Of course he was going to get more outrageous...and this has to be just the tip of the dirty jihadist iceberg.
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 10, 2016

“Most sorts of diversion in men, children and other animals are in imitation of fighting.” – Jonathan Swift

Indeed James, it does bring back memories of the good old days, doesn’t it? The woods behind the house was one big war theme park back then. Marx Gung Ho Commando outfit). (War Toy Ad’s from the 50’s and 60’s).

That was back in the days when you could mail order a war surplus Mauser rifle for 15 bucks. Great fun! Remember the TV shows back then, “Combat”, “12-O’Clock High”, “Rat Patrol”, et al? I never did outgrow playing Army, even got paid to do it. Imagine that?
Nero The Pict     Dec 11, 2016

James and Jeremy,

I remember engaging in the same behavior as a kid. I remember dispatching countless imaginary Krauts and Japs in the woods surrounding my Grandmothers house. Often all of the boys in the neighborhood would get together and have these epic battles with toy guns that would go on from sun up until sundown. Brings a smile to my face thinking about how fun that was.

Its pretty hard not envy those little Persian fellas. They are most likely having the time of their lives. Nice to see a culture that is intact—and not in the active process of gelding their boys and young men.
UlricKerensky     Dec 11, 2016

I see this as a continuation of the glorification of the Iran-Iraq war of the 1980s (which really should be Iraq-Iran, but geopolitics were what they were back then). Much like how the Soviet Union's governing classes were made up of those who survived World War 2, which dominated Cultural discourse until Afghanistan and Chernobyl, Iran's governing classes are heavily dominated by those who survived fighting Iraq.
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