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Eric's Backpack
An Example of Novice Pack Predation
© 2013 James LaFond
Eric is a big dude in his mid-twenties. He stand 6”1’ and weighs in at about 280. Last year he moved to Alabama with all of his worldly possessions to be with his girl.
Last week he moved back to Harm City with all of his worldly possessions, to be away from his girl. His worldly possessions now fit in his backpack.
On Tuesday morning the 20th Eric was speaking with his former boss about employment opportunities as a bar back or bouncer.
Just before midnight he was walking along a residential street headed to the market on the main drag to buy some groceries. He was approached by a five-person group of youths: four black and one white. The white-boy and the taller black boy punched him from his left side. He took a shot on his left cheek and then another on his left jaw line. The punch to the cheek was good enough that he was of the opinion that if it had landed on the temple it would have rocked him.
As Eric turned to ward off the two hitters some of the other boys tried to pull off his backpack, but with little success. Worried about being jailed for injuring a minor, Eric just stood his ground until the raiders moved off, presumably to seek softer prey. Eric stopped, called the police, called his aunt, and waited for the police, who soon arrived and filled out a report. He has a goose egg on his cheek and is still looking for work.
Not getting aggressive was an option that was open to Eric thanks to his great size and the fact that the pack did not use a weapon. If he would have decked and injured one of those helpless oppressed youths of The Mamma State he would have been the one arrested, and probably sued as well as prosecuted. If you are going to take it to a group you need to hurt at least two of them, so that there is proof that it was not just the one-on-one fight that the attackers would surely claim it was if it went badly for them.
An important note about aggressive interracial packs of predators is that a lone minority will almost always be one of the aggressive actors. It is likely that a black dude with a group of whites, or a white with a group of blacks would be among the lead risk-takers.
Good job, Eric.
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