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Real Zombie Apocalypse
The Way it Should Be
© 2016 James LaFond & Jeremy Bentham
Thanks for this bit of uplifting news, Jeremy.
Seriously, shouldn't a zombie apocalypse be when zombies start dying in droves?
It could be worse—the zombies could have guns!
I chalk this up to the reduced price of heroin, which is continuing to be shipped in directly from Afghanistan to Maryland—that is according to members of Baltimore Area drug gangs with suppliers working out of Maryland and Virginia military bases. The CIA did ship in pallet loads of money to get the poppy fields up and running again almost as soon as we got main force units on the ground a dozen or more years ago. The investment seems to be paying dividends. The government has a class of indigenous people they want to replace with immigrants, so feed them dope and let them drift off with Vishnu. Really Jeremy, you can now get a heroin hit in Harm City for $5, which cost you $10 in 1982, when I ended up at a party that had guys in the basement weighing this shit on scales and selling it for $10 a shot. Shoot—pun intentional—you even get your needles for free now from the government. You can't say that for milk or bread, can you. Hell, in 1982 pop tarts were 57 cents. Now they're $2.79! Imagine if you were a pop tart addict? Interestingly, heroin has also surged since the feds mandated Oxycotin pills that could not be powdered and limiting prescriptions. So pill poppers and powder blowers are now switching to the much more hygienic needle!
Really, Jeremy, if you are hunting white people, lay out poison. The funny thing is in Baltimore, the administration likes increased heroin death because it brings government money through Hopkins and other public health authorities. The main thing the police in Baltimore has been combating over the past two years has been the murder of drug dealers! Baltimore drug dealers actually have cops trying to protect them from gun-armed thieves and assassins—and succeeding a few times this year. Even though people are being mob-attacked every day in numerous Baltimore locations, the mayor and police would have us believe Baltimore is a safer place because fewer drug dealers were shot this year even as school nurses are being issued overdose kits!
Things will come into balance as such reports drive the Drug War, up the price of dope and then increase hoodrat on hoodrat shootings...
CDC: Heroin Deaths Surpassed Firearm-Related Homicides in 2015
Liberal Propaganda from Harm City
harm city
‘I Got Warrants En Shit’
under the god of things
into leviathan’s maw
night city
broken dance
on combat
z-pill forever
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 13, 2016

“Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness. It does not create vice, it merely brings it into view.” - Lucius Annaeus Seneca, Roman Stoic Philosopher, 4 B.C. – 64 A.D.

“In quenching their thirst they are not so moderate. If they are supplied with as much as they desire to drink, they will be overcome by their own vices as easily as by the arms of an enemy.” - Publius Cornelius Tacitus, “Origin, Location, Manners, and Inhabitants of Germany”, 98 A.D.

“Ennui has made more gamblers than avarice, more drunkards than thirst, and perhaps as many suicides as despair.” - Buddha

“Only the destruction of the hostile fighting force will be decisive…it is therefore the most important object of all operations.” - Field Marshal Helmuth Von Moltke the Elder

James you bring up a good point. But to get the prey to eat the poison the bait has to be attractive. Why is heroin so attractive to so many in spite of its well-known deadliness? So many Leftist polices in general are “candy-coated rat poison”, notions that appeal to the ‘r’ strategist who seeks free resources and has no taste for competition. On the one hand, substance abuse, intoxication and addiction, is perhaps the most persistent social problem in human history. Complete eradication of the vices of alcoholism and drug addiction seems unattainable, especially on the fringes of an open and free society, so reducing it to a manageable level and confining it largely to people who are unproductive under the best of circumstances (like the very poor and the very rich) seems to be the best we can hope for. On the other hand all these deaths from heroin and other opioid use among so many working and middle class whites is unprecedented and an order of magnitude worse than any previous level of drug abuse. But what to do about it? The so-called “war on drugs” is a farce. Another war that our government lacks the will to win. Like Vietnam and the Global War on Terror. We lack the will to destroy the enemy and HIS will to produce drugs. Or to use drugs. Consequently drug enforcement is aimless and half-heartedly executed. With lots of collateral damage because of this aimlessness. Compare our war on drugs to our war on Tobacco. We won the war on tobacco through merciless and unrelenting persecution of both the people who produce tobacco products and those who use them. The difference is that the political Left supports the war on tobacco, but does NOT support the war on drugs. Therefore the Left sabotages it at every opportunity and blames the resulting mess on the “evil, racist Republicans”. The Republicans/Conservatives must learn to quit playing the patsy, the straight man, and recognize that whatever policies they pursue the Leftist Democrats WILL work to undermine them, as part of their overall strategy to gain and hold political power and transform the country. There is no possibility of compromise or working together with the Left. Only victory or surrender. Once you have figured that out you will be able to figure out how to put the monkey on the Left’s back and defeat them. Like God-Emperor Trump did. He is an invasive species in the American political environment; the Left and their willing accomplices in the media don’t know how to combat him. Nothing they do works against him.
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