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‘With Common Foes’
Ron West Channeling Visions of Bags of Cash and Stash from His Transcendental Tepee
© 2016 Ronald Thomas West
Hello James
Re: Blackwater, Prince and co (your Tail to Tooth blurb), it just so happens I have a ready-made relevant work on the narcotics aspect …
All has not been well in Oz for quite some time (a very long time, actually.)
The funny part is my sharing with Prince the involuntary exile aspect, we’re at extreme opposites, anti-corruption investigator on the run for his life versus fugitive international criminal (with common foes.)
-Ron West
"The history of the great events of this world are scarcely more than a history of crime"
Thank you, Ron
Incidentally, I was horrified at how intimidated Stefan was of Prince. Sure, the dude is a pro killer. So was Alexander and Aristotle asked him hard questions—even told him how to think and behave.
How far we egg heads have fallen.
And the King’s men will not put us back together again.
‘Winter is Upon Us’
guest authors
U.S. Department of Cocaine?
under the god of things
song of the secret gardener
honor among men
on the overton railroad
z-pill forever
within leviathan’s craw
crag mouth
Ishmael     Dec 12, 2016

Shayne and I would talk, beer flowing heavy, as we fished the Sound, how totally screwed we rabbits were, heavy-duty predators at the top!
Sam J.     Dec 12, 2016

If he's knowingly transporting heroin, fuck him. I don't necessarily blame everyone who actually carries the stuff. They work for governments and someone says,"carry this here and don't ask what it is", maybe they have suspicions but they don't know. What I said earlier about the top 10%, they know. We need to clean them out.
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