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The Evil Elves of Dinduwood
Building a Martyr Cult
© 2016 James LaFond
Martyr cults are potent vehicles for the formation and drive of the human herd.
Over the past two years, as the Black Lives Matters movement has emerged as one of our most persistent tools of social division, a common narrative has accompanied every heinous murder committed by a Dindu upon a paleface, the cry goes out, first from politicians, family advisors and press and now by rote from every single mother whose grossly abused boy just butchered some old lady, “Two lives have ended,” “two families are grieving.”
This year theses cries of youth martyrdom, of the tragedy of honor roll students with a bright future who inexplicably have extensive criminal records, have been in sync with daily articles by The Baltimore Sun about counseling of violent teens instead of punishment, early release for teen murderers, college degrees for felons, sanctioning of illegal youth activity like motorcycle racing in the streets, etc. The liberal politicians who have built the very youth services and juvenile justice system speak of system failure, or lurking white privilege. Three black men were gunned down this past weekend—consigned to one crowded paragraph in the back of the paper—yet the lead story on the front page of the Sunday issue was about an unsanctioned, not-up-to-code, music venue being shut down, thus limiting black youth opportunity to rise from the ghetto they lionize in their music, musicians that are murdered at a higher frequency than drug runners!
Last week, an elderly female state senator was badly beaten by two such youths. Looking like a mangy raccoon who just lost a fight to a Russian heavyweight, this old bitch showed up at the boy’s trial, met with an extensive adult support network, including parents and a football coach, and is pleading for light charges and attempting to use this attack on her as a means to assign victim status her attackers—our future attackers.
The lady deserves credit for pushing the dissolution of remaining Western social structures out her own expense. She is, nevertheless, the face of evil, the wicked, unassailable, martyr witch who, by turning both her cheeks and insisting like a Christ crone, that these brutal thugs are rewarded for acting out, at the very same time in law enforcement history that police are being punished for merely apprehending such cruds. This is being laid out plainly as the rules of engagement, that white men who defend themselves will be targeted by the State even as their attackers are excused.
Interestingly, as I watched this martyr bitch advocate for her attackers, for your mother’s potential attackers, I read the only full-length coverage of Baltimore crime by the propaganda outlet charged with obscuring it. The story was of a state mental health facility—one of 10 that has been receiving “forensic” insanity patients, who rioted, besieged the staff in their offices, routed the responding State Troopers and were finally taken by a SWAT team.
Go figure.
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