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‘Male Original Sin’
The First World (Sex) War: The Decline of Males, Chapter 3
© 2016 James LaFond
This is my third expedition between the covers of Lionel Tiger’s emasculation data mine from two decades gone by. I highly recommend The Decline of Males for the masculinity reader. The work falls short of the vengeance politics of the New Right and the neobarbarism of Jack Donovan. More importantly, Tiger demonstrates that the human female is under attack as much from feminism as is the male, correctly recognizing that feminism is merely an aspect of systemic human denaturing project or trend which either has the goal or unintended consequence of producing an ultimately monosexual society—a hive of insect-like apes, conditioned from birth to reject the very notion of an organic human nature.
In this reader’s mind, through the filter of Tiger’s presentation of the academic battlefield over our collective minds and bodies, modernity and feminism seem like the natural extension of the cultural negation inherent in Western Ideology. As the fiendish minions of academia play metaphysical tug-of-war over the bodies and souls of the unborn, as the tools [like public schools] implemented to destroy Native American and catholic resistance to industrialization are finally turned on the very Judeo-Protestant ideals of their creatures, the reader feels like he’s watching Bosch paint Hell, arguing with himself about every tiny figure even as he titters along.
To key aspects of cultural negation discussed in Decline are—in his reader’s view—crucial o atomization:
The adoption of the female pecking order model of accommodation over the male merit order model of assertion and the abandonment of food sharing in modern societies.
The underlying factor here is the reduction of food-sharing-preparing rituals among humans from 100% among tribal people to 14% among postmodern. This is one area where industrialization effects have been accelerated by information age effects. The sharing out of jointly prepared and acquired food was the unique human quality among primates. Now, as the surveys suggest, modern humans eat more like monkeys than primitive people.
Has the reader ever wondered why modern people in the west are failing to replace themselves with children and working hard to replace their non-existent offspring with human pets gathered from around the world—pets that turn on them, like Muslims brought into a Western Nations by atheists and nominally Christian pan-theists [like a Baltimore catholic parish that is taking its people to a Mosque for alternative services] confident that their corrosive monoculture will kill off Islam as thoroughly as it did Shamanism and Christianity?
Below is the negation paradigm that is not Tiger’s but mine, though informed and supported by his work:
Democracy is a way men use female accommodation mechanics to assert their will while permitting those upon which it has been asserted to believe the process was consensual. An election is to conquest what seduction is to rape. Once women are permitted to become part of this phony system of accommodation their participation will render it into a real system of accommodation. Note that females have operated within the society in an accommodating manner in order to adjust to the fact that they have traditionally been sexual property. Once a society has adjusted to female participation in the process it has become accommodating, ripe for rape and conquest. The system, faceless though it is, once scrubbed of culture seeks with all its gravity nothing more than an accommodating—easily conquered—individual. Thus, the politics of accommodation that have—over the ages—permitted the human female to steer the assertion of rape into the more bearable accommodation of seduction, making her enslavement less psychologically painful, has psychologically disarmed Western society. Consider that interracial rapes in the U.S. have recently been as disproportionate as 13,000 to 7 black on white and that interracial murder generally runs 40-1 black on white, despite a 6-1 white numerical advantage. This is what happens when a species or subspecies or tribe seeks accommodation. Such a social society is no different than the primitive woman or lioness who consents to sex with a conquering male—the consent being utterly unnecessary, but rather serving to make the conquest more bearable for the conquered.
This equation is clearly embedded in this third chapter of Tiger’s landmark book should the reader understand aggression, a process of which all academics are necessarily ignorant.
So, at the end of masculine time, Modern Man sits as denatured as his suffering woman, pining with all of the hijacked machinery of her coopted mind to be conquered, by someone, anyone but the pre-conquered moral eunuch waxing soft beside her, as they search for divergent foods prepared by unknown hands, from plants and animals from unknown lands, so that they can gorge their full bodies in an attempt to appease their empty souls.
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