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A 69-point IQ?
Vibrant Diversity Update - Somalis Arriving At Highest Rate Ever
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
Invasion USA. Not much time left to transform America, now that Queen Hillary won’t be ascending the throne. So our out-going President is working like a large, furbearing, aquatic rodent to try to finish the job.
The average IQ in Somalia is 69. And the smartest 80 and 90 IQs who throw the curve upward, are probably living like geniuses in their homeland, meaning that we are getting the dumb ones, who will never be able to integrate.
On top of that, they will be Muslim, so when they find that they cannot function in America, they will blame Americans. Combined with their lack of integration, it will be a prescription for war one day.
FYI: according to the World Health Organization (WHO) of the UN, one third of all Somalis are mentally ill (and that’s probably a lowball estimate).
A traditional Somali folk cure for mental illness is to lock the patient in a hut with a hyena overnight in the belief that the hyena will frighten and drive out the evil sprits possessing the man and causing his insanity. Looks like we’ll need to import more hyenas as well to treat all these new arrivals, eh? Who knows, but the hyena cure might work on all our heroin addicts too.
On top of the propensity for crime, terrorism, parasitic life-styles and high rate of mental illness, Somalis also have a high rate of tuberculosis infection. The drug resistant strain too. More vibrant diversity than we’ll know how to deal with, eh?
Somalis Arriving At The Highest Rate Ever
Posted on December 12, 2016 by Anonymous Conservative
Obama is rushing them in:
Somali refugees are arriving in the United States at the highest rate ever in the first two months of Fiscal Year 2017, according to the State Department’s interactive website. Between October 1, 2016, the beginning of the fiscal year, and December 7, 2016, a total of 2,775 Somali refugees have arrived in the United States.
The average IQ in Somalia is 69. And the smartest 80 and 90 IQs who throw the curve upward, are probably living like geniuses in their homeland, meaning that we are getting the dumb ones, who will never be able to integrate.
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