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'I Need You in the Game' Says Sheriff Clarke
Life in Dindustan: Home Defense News
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
Tulsa Homeowner Shoots Man In Possible Break-In With Girl Friend's Pistol
"I'm Sheriff David Clarke and I want to talk to you about something personal: your safety. It's no longer a spectator sport; I need you in the game. But are you ready? With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back. But are you prepared? Consider taking a certified safety course in handling a firearm so you can defend yourself until we get there. You have a duty to protect yourself and your family,"
•Sheriff David Clarke Radio PSA, Milwaukee County, 2013
"In these modern times, many men are wounded for not having weapons or knowledge of their use."
- Achille Marozzo, 1536
Exercising their Second Amendment rights in flyover land. Make sure your Ho is armed too. You never know when it will come in handy.
Homeowner Shoots Teen Burglar with Knife during Chester PA burglary Attempt
“You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.”
– Al Capone
“There are a lot of people who can't tell preparation from paranoia. There are others who know the difference perfectly well, but for reasons of personal agenda will attempt to distort the truth.”
- Massad Ayoob
A good illustration on why the gun-fighting experts advise against firing warning shots. Bedsides the fact that it’s actually against the law in many jurisdictions (being regarded as reckless conduct ) there is a very good chance it might not scare off the attacker. The attacker might think you fired at him and missed. It might make him think you lack the guts to actually shoot someone. He might not be in his right mind. He might have his judgement impaired because he is in a psychotic rage and/or he is intoxicated by some powerful mood-altering substances. The rage and/or substances might make him unnaturally insensitive to pain and injury, so it might take a lot of hits to bring him down, and you just wasted a bullet on a warning shot. Even a hit to the leg might not stop him before he shoots or stabs you. Plenty of cases like that on record. Even one where a mild-mannered, physically-challenged, stone-cold sober man executing a "Tueller Drill” demonstration in 1993 broke both the tibia and fibula bones in his leg when he lunged at the “defender” and still covered 21 feet in 1.8 seconds before falling down.
Most defensive uses of guns involve just displaying the gun and warning off the criminal suspect (as in, “Go away! I have a gun!”), without a shot being fired. This occurs at least 500,000 to a million times each and every year according to the studies conducted by Economist Dr. John Lott (Author of “More Guns, Less Crime”) and Criminologist Dr. Gary Kleck (Author of “Point Blank: Guns and Violence in America”). Without the police being notified in many cases either (Although it’s a good idea to call the police whenever you have to pull a gun, lest you get the police called on you!). Based on these statistics you just need something that looks like a gun in most circumstances. However, in the event you are confronted by a suspect or suspects who won’t take the hint, it’s a real good idea to have a real gun and one that’s loaded too. It tends to boost your confidence and make you look more imposing and authoritative, especially if you’re not the best actor in the world.
Woman draws gun on possible burglar in Columbus GA
Another illustration: “You can get more with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone.”
- Al Capone
The dindu was just looking for his dog and figured it must have pulled open the door and wandered into this woman’s house. Yeah, right!
Another good reason to keep your door locked, even during the day and even when you are at home, to keep out the wandering dindus.
It’s also an illustration how you often get confusing and contradictory advice from the authorities on self-defense law. So is the crime expert saying it’s permissible to shoot someone who is trying to steal your lawn mower off your lawn in Georgia? That’s not clear. Georgia is a Castle Doctrine state, so had the dindus forced their way in to this lady’s house, which act would give a reasonable person cogent reasons to fear for their life, she would have been justified in using lethal force against them without any requirement to try to retreat first. Even in a non-castle doctrine state a defender only has to retreat before using deadly force if said retreat can be done in safety (i.e. without getting stabbed or shot in the back). Instead the woman just warned them off. Hey, who wants a big blood stain on their living room carpet?
Jesse James versus Al Capone
modern combat
The Mother State Targets Marine Drill Instructors
solo boxing
dark, distant futures
on the overton railroad
z-pill forever
plantation america
your trojan whorse
honor among men
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