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Replacing Churches with Mosques
Cultural Negation Points are Being Sold at a Discount—Step Right Up and Leave that Troubling Identity Behind!
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
London mayor to sell 3 water cannons bought by Boris Johnson
AP News
Posted: Dec 14, 2016 8:27 AM
LONDON (AP)—For sale: Three water cannons, no recent use.
London Mayor Sadiq Khan says he is selling three secondhand water cannons that were purchased by his predecessor after 2011 riots in the British capital...
-Migrant Suspect in Rape-Murder of German Teenager Already Had Attempted Murder Conviction Abroad
Security Guards at Swedish Church Services As ‘New Clientele’ Defecate, Masturbate in Pews
Looks like when you attend church in Sweden these days you have to cover yourself with a plastic drop cloth like you’re at a old Gallagher show….But on the upside “The security industry is booming in Sweden, with sales for market leader Securitas reaching 80 billion Swedish krona in 2015, twice the amount the nation spends on defence.”
Historic Christian Church in Connecticut to Be Converted Into Mosque; Members Take Down Cross From Altar
“I've said it before, I know, but it bears repeating: The most amazing, astounding, astonishing statistic of the 21st century is that the annual rate of Muslim immigration into the U.S.A. Increased after 9/11.”
- John Derbyshire 07/17/2016
“With your democratic laws, we will colonize you. With our Koranic laws, we will dominate you.”
- Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradawi, UOIE (Union of Muslim Organizations in Europe)
“… just as the dhimmis are prohibited from building churches, other things also are prohibited to them. They must not assist an unbeliever against a Muslim … raise the cross in an Islamic assemblage … display banners on their own holidays; bear arms … or keep them in their homes. Should they do anything of the sort, they must be punished, and the arms seized. … The Companions [of the Prophet] agreed upon these points in order to demonstrate the abasement of the infidel and to protect the weak believer’s faith. For if he sees them humbled, he will not be inclined toward their belief, which is not true if he sees them in power, pride, or luxury garb, as all this urges him to esteem them and incline toward them, in view of his own distress and poverty. Yet esteem for the unbeliever is unbelief.”
- (Al-Damanhuri, quoted in Bat Ye’or, The Decline of Eastern Christianity under Islam, 382.)
Jeremy, this is setting up the endgame like nothing else. Our secular humanists think they are going to be able to undermine Islam like they did Christianity—and they've got another thing coming.
U.S. Department of Cocaine?
Coward Guilty Found Guilty
menthol rampage
by the wine dark sea
‘in these goings down’
taboo you
z-pill forever
book of nightmares
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 15, 2016

“Intolerance may not promote progress but it can promote survival. An intolerant Islamic world may outlast the Western world that seems ready to tolerate anything, including the undermining of its own fundamental values and threats to its continued existence." - Thomas Sowell, 22 March, 2011

Indeed James. Anyone out there who thinks that evangelical Christians are a bunch of tiresome busy-bodies hasn't seen anything yet. Just wait until Islamic mullahs become the arbiters of what is right and wrong conduct in your community. Then you'll have something to complain about! It will probably drive you to drink, except you'll get whipped in the town square for doing so. When Muslims become the majority in any jurisdiction they will quickly change the laws to suit them. They will have absolutely no hesitation or compunction about imposing their Muslim Sharia law on non-Muslims. Islam means “submission”, devotion to God alone. Muslims don’t believe in freedom of religion as that would be an affront to God. "True religion in God’s eyes is Islam." (Qur'an Sura 3:19).

"We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile." - "Star Trek: First Contact" (1996)
James     Dec 16, 2016

Jeremy, I really think that our godless leadership and academia believe two things that shall prove their undoing:

1. that western materialism has the ability to corrode any religion into nothing more than a pillar of the civil ethos, not realizing that Islam has been able to expand and develop more severe stains in societies with grotesque levels of materialism persisting even beyond the Western norm [such as Saudi Arabia].

2. that atheism is, in fact a religion, fitting every anthropological definition of the term, and, as a religion, its is utterly gutless as it worships it's component parts [the body, comfort and longevity of each and every human] and therefore lacks transcendent reference and sacrificial resilience.
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