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The New Dindu Weapon
Harm City News - Man found not guilty in fatal stabbing of Morgan State student
© 2016 James LaFond
Hmmmm…A man who stabs someone to death in the middle of a gang fight is acquitted? Typically Juries are unsympathetic to defendants who they feel didn’t take advantage of an opportunity to keep their mouths shut and walk away from a fight, especially in a situation in which they ended up killing the other guy. Usually if you’re in a gang fight you are considered to be a willing and active participant in the affray. I wonder what the "rest of the story” is?
Jeremy, Dindus have largely switched to knives in Baltimore. I think it's that simple. Every mamma on the jury has a sissy boy living with her who can't fight. She's terrified he'll carry a gun and get popped by the cops, so she tells him to carry a knife. I used to get my hair cut right across the street from where this happened. It's a small red zone in a tri-colored area. The fact that so man black guys are packing knives is the biggest change in hands on aspects of aggression we have seen since 2008 when black mob violence inexplicably doubled.
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Jeremy Bentham     Dec 16, 2016

“My experience has taught me that we live in a nation in which a jury is more likely to convict a black defendant who has committed a crime against a white. Even the dullest of blacks know this. There would be a lot more black-on-white crime if this were not the case.” – “Confessions of a Public Defender”

“Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short." – Revelation 12:12 (NIV)

Wow! Shit's gonna get real now that the dindus realize they CAN get away with murder. Of course we could see that it was coming to this. All over the country the Lefties who are in control of our criminal justice system are concocting all sorts of justifications for not incarcerating violent oppressed youth. These Leftist SJWs are going to keep on doing what they're doing until they are removed from their positions of authority. It's part of the continuing low intensity Civil War between the Leftist “Good-whites” and Conservative “Bad-whites”, with the dindus and other "oppressed” minorities as proxy warriors. The Good-whites suffered a huge defeat at the ballot box in November. They want revenge, but they know they don’t have much time left because they are liable to suffer a major loss in “combat power” come 20 January.

"During the Middle Ages, probably one of the biggest mistakes was not putting on your armor because you were "just going down to the corner." -Jack Handey, "Deep Thoughts", Saturday Night Live
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