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So Many Infidels to Slay!
Vibrant Diversity/Jihad Update: Raping Infidel Whores and Other Noble Pasttimes
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
Keeping the Score on Islamic Terrorism
Put the Numbers
in Perspective
Islamic Terrorists...
...killed twice as many people in one month (5000) in November, 2014) than were killed in in 350 years of Inquisition (2000-3000).
...murder more people everyday than the KKK has in the last 70 years (26 since 1945).
...killed more civilians in two hours on September 11th (2977) than in the 26 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland (2236).
...massacred more Iraqis on a single day in June, 2014 (1566) than the number of criminals executed by America in the last 40 years (1423).
...killed more Americans on American soil than the combined militaries of Japan and Nazi Germany in WWII.
...slaughter more people everyday than were killed during the entire Salem Witch Trials (12).
In 2007, Islam and Judaism's holiest  holidays overlapped for 10 days.  Muslims racked up 397 dead bodies  in 94 terror attacks across 10 countries  during this time... while Jews worked on their 159th Nobel Prize.
Keep in mind that in the Pearl Harbor attack, 7 December, 1941, U.S. military casualties were 2,403 killed and 1,178 wounded. U.S. civilian casualties were 68 killed and 35 wounded, for 2,471 U.S. dead total. 55 Japanese airmen and 9 submariners were killed in the attack, and one was captured.
Up until the 2001 9-11 terrorist attacks the greatest loss of U.S. civilian life was during the 1862 Dakota War in southern Minnesota. Anywhere from 450 to 800 white settlers were killed in the war. 77 U.S. Soldiers were killed. Dakota (Sioux) dead were 150, with 38 executed for murder and rape on 11 November, 1865. It is to date the largest mass execution in U.S. history. 303 Sioux prisoners had been convicted of murder and rape by military tribunals and sentenced to death. President Abraham Lincoln personally reviewed the trial records to distinguish between those who had engaged in warfare against the U.S., versus those who had committed crimes of rape and murder against civilians and granted clemency accordingly.
Migrants try to rape girl in Austrian Subway station
Video: Migrants try to rape girl
10News December 13, 2016 , by Nicolai Sennels
Luckily, the rape is interrupted. Look how relaxed the others stand around, how they stamp on her head to make her lie still. This is probably a typical way things happen at the countless gang rapes happening around Europe these days:
Muslim Migrant Teens Attack Traditional Christmas parade in Austria
These Muslim migrants are so accepting of other peoples customs and traditions, aren’t they?
Somalis Given Classified Security Briefings
Somalis Given Classified Security Briefings
Posted on December 16, 2016 by Anonymous Conservative
Trump has been a long time coming:
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released 31 pages of records from U.S. Customs and Border Protection revealing that the Department of Homeland Security has given Somalis “community engagement tours,” including security briefings, in secured areas at least three major U.S. airports – Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and Columbus, Ohio…
The briefings provided to the Somali groups were so sensitive that in 14 instances the agency redacted portions of the records under Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) exemption (B)(7)(e), the law-enforcement “risk circumvention” exemption…
In another instance, Customs and Border Protection exempted under (B)(7)(e) a portion of a February 16, 2016, “ Minute by Minute Agenda” provided during a tour/briefing of the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP). The material that was withheld from Judicial Watch as too law-enforcement sensitive – but provided in full to the Somali group – included a section entitled: “TSA Overview—Processing [Redacted].” The invitees were provided briefings of the Global Entry system, APC [Automated Passport Control] system, secondary screening procedures, baggage-screening procedures and given tours of the holding cells/interview rooms…
During the “annual” tour, federal authorities granted excursions of the facility’s “ secure areas.” It is also noted that two parties in the previous year “did not pass vetting…”
The documents show Customs officials reporting that one of the invited individuals had given “ CBP Chicago a hard time” following the last tour and noted three of the invitees had had investigations against them, which had since been closed. Another invitee had an active investigation pending.
If you or I gave Customs And Border Protection a “hard time” we would get extensive cavity searches for the remainder of our border crossing lives. These Somalis, with their 69 average IQ’s and radical Muslim, anti-American beliefs, are ushered into classified security briefings, in the hopes of gaining their favor.
It has actually gotten to the point that it seems strange to imagine a government acting smartly with regard to Muslims, terrorism, and respect and loyalty for Americans first. When Trump starts dealing with all these hostile groups appropriately, it is actually going to seem weird the first few times.
How did it get this far?
'How Long Before We Get to Mars?'
Watch Your Step
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z-pill forever
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