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Vibrant Diversity: 12/19/16
820,000 Criminal Illegals in Country
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
Five Pakistani Girls Killed for Having Fun, Then replaced with Look-Alikes
James, wouldn’t it be cool if you could replace troublesome family members, like the characters in a soap opera? “Today the role of my wife will be played by ‘Sarah’, the Hooter’s waitress.” Those Muslims are REALLY creative people, eh? They know how to think outside the box. They have the ability to solve personal problems without getting all wrapped around the axle about rules, laws, ethics, human rights, and ALL that shit.
Like you say James, our secular-humanist, Leftist elite has no idea how implacable the Muslims are and how impossible they will be to deal with should they be allowed to become established in our country in significant numbers. The Left certainly won’t be able to infiltrate and subvert them as the have done with the Christian churches. In fact it will be the other way around. They have the same mindset as the Left that since they are fighting to establish heaven on earth they cannot tolerate any opposition. So the ends justifies the means. Muslims have their own doctrine of deception and subversion (Taqiya) for advancing the cause of Islam. Lying to an infidel is like lying to a dog, or an enemy in war.
Vibrant Diversity in the Great White North
Mentally ill Ottawa man Musab A-Noor charged with killing his two sisters
All involved were members of Ottawa’s Somali Community.
FYI: according to the World Health Organization (WHO) of the UN, one third of all Somalis are mentally ill (and that’s probably a lowball estimate).
Report: 820,000 criminal illegals in Country - 84% with felonies, serious misdemeanors
That’s more than the current strength of the active U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps combined.
Thirteen people, nine in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside, died of overdoses overnight in B.C.
Asimov, Heinlein & Clarke Owe us a Refund
‘The IQ Decline’
time & cosmos
plantation america
orphan nation
book of nightmares
solo boxing
beasts of arуas
the year the world took the z-pill
broken dance
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