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Post-election Reconciliation Update
Democrat Mob Attempts to Derail Presidential Election by Threatening Electors
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
“Democrat Mob Attempts to Derail Presidential Election by Threatening Electors”. That is what the headline would be if the mainstream news media was honest and not merely a proganda tool of the Democrat Party. Clearly Hillary supporter have no faith in "democracy” or our 240 year old constitutional system, UNLESS they are allowed to win elections and otherwise grant them unopposed political power. You can imagine what the Leftist media would be reporting if the roles were reversed.
As it was, the only faithless electors who changed their vote were four Hillary electors from the state of Washington. Three voted for Bernie Sanders and one voted for Native American tribal leader Faith Spotted Eagle.
The electoral collage fulfilled its primary function which is to give less the less populous "rural” states greater representation in selecting the President. For example, had California left the union prior to the 2016 election then the 4 million votes cast for Hillary would not have counted and Trump would have won the popular vote as well as the electoral vote. Without the electoral collage the populations of New York and California would decide every Presidential election. Just as Chicago decides who the state of Illinois’ electors will vote for every time. As it is there is reason to believe that as many as 2 million votes cast for Hillary were fraudulently cast by illegal aliens. Plus many votes were simply not counted for one reason or another (particularly absentee votes) once a candidate won a majority in a state. So it is not inconceivable that Trump actually won the popular vote, given how much voter fraud and other irregularities there were. The Republican candidate ALWAYS has to be able to beat the margin of fraud in order to win the election.
What about the so-called Russian hacking? Well what about it? On the one hand, yes of course, the Russians (and the Chinese and everybody else) have been working to hack into U.S. Government computers since the dawn of the Internet. Which is what makes Hillary’s use of a private server to conduct her business on as Secretary of State such a grave threat to national security. She did this in order to avoid The Freedom of Information disclosure laws and keep secret the fact that she was using her office to solicit "donations” (bribes) to the Clinton Foundation fund from both domestic and foreign sources. No doubt that private server was thoroughly hacked and our enemies know everything she was doing. Who knows the ways in which our government may have been compromised and made vulnerable to blackmail had she been elected? Nevertheless the Democrats have yet to explain or demonstrate how exactly they think the Russian government tampered with the U.S. presidential election and enabled Trump to win. Did Russian hackers affect the way ballots were cast? Did they affect the way ballots were counted? If not either of those ways, then how? Apparently the only thing that happened in reality was that Hillary’s campaign was embarrassed when their snarky, anti-American e-mail traffic was made public by WikiLeaks. The hacker or hackers unknown apparently gained assess by sending campaign chairman, John Podesta, a “phishing” e-mail. Hackers tried to hack into the Republican National Committee (RNC) computers but failed according to the F.B.I. That just wasn’t fair, was it?
The God-Emperor Trump will take office as scheduled at noon on 20 January. 2017. However, the next month will be perilous indeed as the Forces of Darkness will still hold the reins of power until then.
Bacha Bazi "Boy Play"
The War against Christmas
winter of a fighting life
the fighting edge
book of nightmares
blue eyed daughter of zeus
sons of arуas
into leviathan’s maw
the combat space
z-pill forever
Jeremy Bentham     Dec 20, 2016

My bad. I neglected to mention that the WikiLeaks hack also revealed that the Democrat Party rigged its own primary election so that Hillary would win the nomination. (WikiLeaks Emails Show DNC Favored Hillary Clinton Over Bernie Sanders During The Democratic Primary) (WikiLeaks Proves Primary Was Rigged: DNC Undermined Democracy). Of course the parties are free to nominate their candidates any way they choose. It up to the state party organizations to decide whether they want to select their delegates to the national election by election, caucus or convention. The idea of primary elections to choose nominees is a 20th century development. Naturally it’s regarded as the most ‘progressive” and democratic method. The Democrat Party has “super delegates” that it uses like its own House of Lords to cancel out the votes of the proles when needs be (the Republican Party doesn’t use super delegates and is more “democratic” in it election process). These super delegates decided the nomination. Naturally the Bernie Sanders supporters were very disappointed to learn the fix was in and their votes counted for nothing. Bernie himself was down with the struggle and took one for the team. Naturally that public revelation was particularly embarrassing to the Dems. So they concocted the "Russians hacked my homework" excuse.
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