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Kings, Kangs & White Fangs
'The Problem of Whiteness', Uber Aggression and Whitey's Evil Salmon Gun?
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
Uber Strikes Back - Hijacked Uber Driver Kills Gunman In Middle Of The Street
One Punch Can Kill - Death by "King Hit' in OZ
What we Americans call a “sucker punch” they refer to as a “King Hit” in Australia. Apparently OZ has its fare share of sucker punchers.
"Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity."
University of Wisconsin course to explore 'The Problem of Whiteness'
"We seem to be moving steadily in the direction of a society where no one is responsible for what he himself did, but we are all responsible for what somebody else did, either in the present or in the past."
-Thomas Sowell
“If you truly believe in the brotherhood of man, then you must believe that blacks are just as capable of being racists as whites are.”
– Thomas Sowell
Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity? Nonsense! What’s good for white people is good for everyone. If that were not true then people of color would be leaving America in droves instead of coming here in waves like they are. Everybody would much rather live where white people live and rule. Letting the populations of the third world migrate to the west en mass will not save the Third World, it will destroy Western (i.e. White People’s) civilization. Once that happens the whole world will be a backward and corrupt third world hell hole without technological and social progress or any hope for the future. Even immigrants are starting to notice that allowing mass immigration into the West is a bad idea, since it brings in the madness and dysfunction of the cultures they ran away from in the first place. The real white supremacists are the people of color it seems since so many of them expect whites to fix everything for them. Most American whites I know would rather be left in peace than rule over the rest of the world and all its problems.
UW course to explore 'The Problem of Whiteness'
The Salmon Cannon is not a weapon
Cool!...Now don’t you wish the power company expended that much time and money in helping YOU get laid?
Salmon can swim hundreds of miles and throw themselves up over waterfalls, but hydroelectric dams can be a struggle for them. This pneumatic tube shoots them to safety!
Jeremy, I have not been reincarnated as a salmon yet, but could you load me up and aim the cannon at the target below.
In The People's Republic of Maryland
harm city
dark, distant futures
z-pill forever
broken dance
on the overton railroad
into leviathan’s maw
plantation america
on combat
the combat space
SidVic     Dec 21, 2016

mesmerizing! Long time fan of the belly dancing arts.
Sam J.     Dec 21, 2016

"...University of Wisconsin course to explore 'The Problem of Whiteness'..."

The university, the administrators and the people teaching the course should all be brought up on civil rights violations. I'm sure we can use the exact same laws against them that they use against us.
James     Dec 22, 2016

Sam, I just saw a college professor's paper in which he made the case that men farting around women was an aspect of rape!

The world has gone insane.
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