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Race War Update: 12/22/16
Black Arsonist Putting the KKK Out of Business? Is this an Affirmative Action Program?
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
When White People Attack
- Tomi Lahren takes issue with MTV and Beyoncé
You go white girl!
Tomi Lahren takes issue with MTV and Beyoncé
The KKK is just too small
Yeah, where ARE all the militant white supremacist groups that are supposed to be posing such a virulent threat to the civil rights of people of color across the land? You need a microscope to find them. If it weren’t for the FBI informants in attendance none of the local chapters would be able to must muster a quorum at any of their meetings. The Democrats are going to have to send the KKK some of their Black Lives Matter activists and Occupy Wall Street anarchists to bolster their ranks. Like in one of those old-time Irish faction fights. It’s only fair, since the KKK used to be part of the Democrat Party. If they can’t ramp up the KKK’s numbers enough for them to be a credible threat, who will replace them as the Left’s favorite racist bogeyman?
“Crisis alert! The KKK is believed to have only 5,000 members. This is just too small to be a credible threat. With only 5,000 members spread out, they are going to have trouble staging a decent march or demonstration. The Democrats really need these guys. Somehow they've got to get these numbers up. As a threat to civil rights, the KKK is simply irreplaceable. Without their presence, fundraising and general organizing efforts will be seriously jeopardized. The KKK is central to their efforts to convince donors and supporters that racism is rampant in America. Who could replace them? The Nazi Party? The alt right? It's already peaked in terms of scarepower. And its numbers are even smaller than the KKK.”
Arrest Made in Burning of Black Mississippi Church: Black Suspect Arrested
Look at that! There is such a shortage of white supremacists these days that black people in the South have to burn down their churches their own selves. Now they have to go pray at the white Baptist church….Hmmm…
The Russian Empire Strikes Back
Europe on $5 a Day!
orphan nation
the lesser angels of our nature
sons of arуas
‘in these goings down’
barbarism versus civilization
guest     Dec 22, 2016

The whole white scare in the US is so funny, the media is all white devil, all the time, yet the most racist person the average citizen can even name is Trump, who reeks of gefiltefish, it's really ironic. Hell, the great white racist is almost like big foot at this point, or "el chupahonky", we are sure he is out there, lurking behind every rock, but we have yet to capture one on film.

Even funnier is how the KKK is still a thing, when the last time those guys rode into the town to save the day, the world was still in black and white.

I hear the bogeyman, who gets you if you don't eat your veggies, is also white now in the US, glowing blue eyes scaring you from under the bed, the white walkers are coming, so chew fast junior!

And from:

"The KKK is really small. They could all stay in the same hotel with a bunch of free rooms left over. Or put another way: the entire membership of the KKK is less than the daily readership of this blog.

If you Google “trump KKK”, you get 14.8 million results. I know that Google’s list of results numbers isn’t very accurate. Yet even if they’re inflating the numbers by 1000x, and there were only about 14,000 news articles about the supposed Trump-KKK connection this election, there are still two to three articles about a Trump-KKK connection for every single Klansman in the world."

And it's not crying wolf, it's more like the wolf crying honky!
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